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«Статус Конвенции о статусе апатридов (Нью-Йорк, 28 сентября 1954 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 19.05.2009)

the date of entry into force of this Convention in respect of Fiji were under the control of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or of the Government of Fiji respectively by reason of a state of war which existed between them and any other State.
"2. The Government of Fiji cannot undertake to give effect to the obligations contained in paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 25 and can only undertake to apply the provisions of paragraph 3 so far as the law allows.
"Commentary: No arrangements exist in Fiji for the administrative assistance for which provision is made in article 25 nor have any such arrangements been found necessary in the case of stateless persons. Any need for the documents or certificates mentioned in paragraph 2 of that article would be met by affidavit.
"All other reservation made by the United Kingdom to the above-mentioned Convention is withdrawn."

Finland <11>
"(1) A general reservation to the effect that the application of those provisions of the Convention which grant to stateless persons the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country shall not be affected by the fact that special rights and privileges are now or may in future be accorded by Finland to the nationals of Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden or to the nationals of any one of those Countries;
"(2) A reservation to article 7, paragraph 2, to the effect that Finland is not prepared, as a general measure, to grant stateless persons who fulfil the conditions of three years residence in Finland an exemption from any legislative reciprocity which Finnish law may have stipulated as a condition governing an alien's eligibility for same right or privilege;
"(3) A reservation to article 8 to the effect that that article shall not be binding on Finland;
"(4) ...
"(5) A reservation to article 24, paragraph 1 (b) and paragraph 3 to the effect that they shall not be binding on Finland;
"(6) A reservation to article 25, to the effect that Finland does not consider itself bound to cause a certificate to be delivered by a Finnish authority, in the place of the authorities of a foreign country, if the documentary records necessary for the delivery of such certificate do not exist in Finland;
"(7) A reservation with respect to the provisions contained in article 28. Finland does not accept the obligations stipulated in the said article, but is prepared to recognize travel documents issued by other Contracting States pursuant to this article."

The provisions of article 10, paragraph 2, are regarded by the French Government as applying only to stateless persons who were forcibly displaced from French territory, and who have, prior to the date of entry into force of this Convention, returned there direct from the country to which they were forced to proceed, without in the meantime having received authorization to reside in the territory of any other State.

Germany <4>, <5>
1. Article 23 will be applied without restriction only to stateless persons who are also refugees within the meaning of the Convention of 28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees and the Protocol of 31 January 1967 relating to the Status of Refugees, but otherwise only to the extent provided for under national legislation;
2. Article 27 will not be applied.

Upon signature:
Guatemala signs the present Convention with the reservation that the expression "treatment as favourable as possible", referred to in those of its provisions to which reservations may be made, must not be understood to include the special treatment which has been or may be granted to the nationals of, Spain, the Latin American countries in general, and in particular to the countries which

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