he article 34 of the Convention.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of the article 42 of the [said Convention], the Republic of Latvia, in respect of the article 26 of the Convention, reserves the right to designate the place or places of residence of the refugees whenever considerations of national security or public order so require.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of the article 42 of the [said Convention], the Republic of Latvia declares that the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of the article 17 and article 24 of the Convention it considers as recommendations and not legal obligations.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of the article 42 of the [said Convention], the Republic of Latvia declares that in all cases where the Convention grants to refugees the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country, this provision shall not be interpreted by the Government of the Republic of Latvia as necessarily involving the regime accorded to nationals of countries with which the Republic of Latvia had concluded regional customs, economic, political or social security agreements."
Subject to the following reservations:
Ad article 17: With respect to the right to engage in wage-earning employment, refugees are treated in law on the same footing as aliens in general, on the understanding, however, that the competent authorities shall make every effort insofar as possible, to apply to them the provisions of this article.
Ad article 24, paragraphs 1 (a) and (b), and paragraph 3: Provisions relating to aliens in general on training, apprenticeship, unemployment insurance, old-age and survivors insurance shall be applicable to refugees. Nevertheless, in the case of old-age and survivors insurance, refugees residing in Liechtenstein (including their survivors if the latter are considered as refugees) are already entitled to normal old-age or survivors' benefits after paying their contributions for at least one full year, provided that they have resided in Liechtenstein for ten years - of which five years without interruption have immediately preceded the occurrence of the event insured against. Moreover, the one-third reduction in benefits provided in the case of aliens and stateless persons under article 74 of the Act on Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, is not applicable to refugees. Refugees residing in Liechtenstein who, on the occurrence of the event insured against, are not entitled to old-age or survivors' benefits, are paid not only their own contributions but any contributions which may have been made by the employers.
Upon signature:
Subject to the following reservation: in all cases where this Convention grants to refugees the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country, this provision shall not be interpreted as necessarily involving the regime accorded to nationals of countries with which the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has concluded regional, customs, economic or political agreements.
15 November 1984
Interpretative statement:
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg considers that the reservation made by the Republic of Guatemala concerning the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951 and the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugee of 31 January 1967 does not affect the obligations of Guatemala deriving from those instruments.
The provisions of article 7 (1) shall not be interpreted as requiring the same treatment as is accorded to nationals of countries with which the Malagasy Republic has concluded conventions of establishment or agreements on co-operation;
The provisions of articles 8 and 9 shall not be interpreted as forbidding the Malagasy Government to take, in time of war
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