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"Договор между Российской Федерацией и Японией о взаимной правовой помощи по уголовным делам" [рус., англ.] (Подписан в г. Токио 12.05.2009)

requested Party.
2. The procedure and the terms of transfer and return of a person who is being detained or is serving a sentence in the territory of the requested Party shall be agreed between the Central Authorities of the Parties. The requesting Party shall keep the person transferred pursuant to paragraph 1 in the custody of the requesting Party, unless permitted by the requested Party to do otherwise. The requesting Party shall return the person transferred to the requested Party, as agreed beforehand, or as otherwise agreed between the Central Authorities of the Parties. The person transferred shall receive credit for service of the sentence imposed in the requested Party for the time served in the custody of the requesting Party.
3. The person transferred to the requesting Party pursuant to this Article shall enjoy the safe conduct provided for in Article 13 in the territory of the requesting Party until the return to the territory of the requested Party, unless the person consents and the Central Authorities of the Parties agree otherwise.
4. A person who does not consent to be transferred pursuant to this Article shall not, by reason thereof, be liable to any penalty or be subjected to any compulsory measure in the requesting Party, notwithstanding any contrary statement in the request.

Article 15

1. The requested Party shall effect service of documents related to criminal proceedings, other than those provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 13, that are transmitted to it for this purpose by the requesting Party.
2. The Central Authority of the requested Party shall inform the Central Authority of the requesting Party in writing of the result of the execution of the request under this Article in the manner provided in paragraph 3 of Article 13.

Article 16

1. The requested Party shall assist, to the extent permitted by its laws, in proceedings related to the confiscation of the proceeds or instrumentalities of criminal offences. Such assistance may include action to temporarily immobilize the proceeds or instrumentalities pending further proceedings.
2. The requested Party that has custody over proceeds or instrumentalities of criminal offences as a result of the assistance under paragraph 1 may transfer such proceeds or instrumentalities, in whole or in part, to the requesting Party, to the extent permitted by the laws of the requested Party and upon such conditions as it deems appropriate.

Article 17

Documents transmitted by either Party pursuant to this Treaty which are attested by the seal of a competent authority or the Central Authority of that Party shall be accepted by the other Party without legalization or any other form of certification. At the request of the requesting Party, the documents transmitted pursuant to this Treaty may be certified by the requested Party in another form indicated in the request to the extent not contrary to the laws of the requested Party.

Article 18

Nothing in this Treaty shall prevent either Party from requesting assistance from or providing assistance to the other Party in accordance with other applicable international agreements, or pursuant to its applicable laws.

Article 19

1. The Central Authorities of the Parties shall hold consultations for the purpose of facilitating speedy and effective assistance under this Treaty, and may decide on such measures as may be necessary for this purpose.
2. The Parties shall, if necessary, hold consultations on any matter that may arise in the interpretation or implementation of this Treaty.

Article 20

1. This Treaty shall be subject to ratification.
2. This Treaty shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date o

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