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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 23.04.2009 «Дело Алаудинова (Alaudinova) против России» [англ.]d opened gunfire over her head and she had returned home. At some point later the investigators questioned the witness for the second time. He additionally stated that when he and his brother Bekkhan had been taken to the yard by the armed men, one of them had told him to get down on his knees. The man had spoken Russian with a Chechen accent. When the witness had told him that he had a problem with his legs and that he was unable to get on his knees, the man had threatened to shoot him. When the witness' mother had asked the men where they were taking Bekkhan, they had told her that she would need to contact the Leninskiy ROVD or the Zavodskoy ROVD to obtain such information. According to the witness, he would be able to identify one of the men who had abducted his brother. The abductors, who did not have any insignia on their uniforms, had left in a white VAZ-2121 car and URAL and ZIL vehicles without registration numbers. According to the witness, his brother Bekkhan had been abducted in connection with the investigation he had been conducting concerning the death of their uncle in 2000. On a number of occasions unidentified persons had placed notes threatening Bekkhan with retaliation if he persisted in his investigation. The witness also stated that a man named Rustam had informed him that for three days he had been detained in the local military commander's office together with Bekkhan Alaudinov. According to the witness, his brother had not participated in illegal armed groups. No other information has been submitted in respect of the second questioning.