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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 26.02.2009 «Дело Астамирова и другие (Astamirova and others) против России» [англ.]he incident was still pending, that there was no evidence that the men had been State agents and that there were therefore no grounds for holding the State liable for the alleged violations of the applicants' rights. No information had been obtained by the investigation about special operations in Gekhi on that day. They also referred to some other criminal investigations where gangs in Chechnya had been equipped with camouflage uniforms, weapons and forged documents belonging to members of the security forces. Finally, in their submissions of May 2008 the Government questioned the credibility and accuracy of the applicants' statements submitted to the Court and to the investigation. They drew attention to the fact that the fourth applicant had submitted to the Court that the men who had entered their room had pushed her against the wall, while she did not give this information to the investigation. They also noted certain discrepancies in the description of the clothes Mr Astamirov had been wearing upon detention in their witness statements given to the investigation. They also noted inconsistencies in the descriptions by the applicants and witnesses of the clothes and weapons of the intruders given to the Court and to the investigation. The Government concluded that the applicants' submissions were so confused and contradictory that they had probably been invented by them. In any event, they could not constitute a basis for making findings of State responsibility according to the standards developed by the Court. It could not be excluded that Aslanbek Astamirov had voluntarily left the village or escaped, especially in view of the relatives' failure to apply to the authorities immediately after his alleged arrest.