criminal cases Nos. 14/33/0184-02 and 14/33/0185-02 had been instituted in connection with the combats between the servicemen and the members of the illegal armed groups and as regards the discovery of four bodies bearing signs of a violent death in a burnt car on the road from Chechen-Aul to Stariye Atagi. The letter continued as follows:
"The preliminary investigation established that on 9 March 2002, during the special operation in the village of Stariye Atagi, the servicemen of military unit No. 3228 under the command of Senior Lieutenant Z. were checking vehicles going out of the village of Stariye Atagi, since, in accordance with intelligence received, members of illegal armed groups stationed in Stariye Atagi were planning an attack on this road.
At around 3 p.m. a VAZ 21099 car approached the servicemen of military unit No. 3228 under the command of Z. In reply to the servicemen's order to stop, machine-gun fire was opened from the car. The servicemen opened return fire with the result that the car started burning. Subsequently three burnt corpses of unidentified persons were found in it.
On 18 May 2002 the criminal proceedings brought in connection with the servicemen's use of firearms were discontinued...
Accordingly, no involvement on the part of the servicemen in the abduction of [the applicants' relatives] has ever been established..."
35. On 9 October 2002 the Prosecutor's Office of the Grozny District sent the case file to the military prosecutor of military unit No. 20102 for investigation. The case file was given the number 34/33/0657-02.
36. On 26 October 2002 the military prosecutor of military unit No. 20102 suspended the investigation on account of the failure to establish the identity of the culprits. The decision read, in particular:
"During the period from 6 to 10 March 2002, in the course of a special operation in the village of Stariye Atagi, unidentified servicemen abducted thirteen residents of the village: A.P. Akhmadov, S.-S. Kanayev, I. Dzhamayev, I. Kuntayev, I.A. Chagayev, A.Sh. Pokayev, I.S. Magomadov, M.Kh. Isambayev, A. Baysarov, T.S. Khadzhayev, [V.D.], [R.D.], N. Zakayev.
Upon the completion of the operation on 13 March 2002 [V.D.] and [R.D.] were released. The whereabouts of the other residents of Stariye Atagi who were apprehended has not been established...
In the course of the investigative actions... person(s) who had committed the offence were not identified..."
37. The applicants and relatives of other disappeared persons were notified of the decision to suspend the investigation.
38. On 14 December 2002 the Military Prosecutor's Office of the United Group Alignment (UGA) quashed the decision to suspend the investigation for the following reasons:
"The decision was unfounded since in the course of the preliminary investigation not all the investigative measures aimed at identifying persons involved in the disappearance of the named residents of Stariye Atagi were taken. [In particular,] the military units that had conducted the special operation in the village were not identified, the commanders of these units were not questioned, the persons who had conducted a check and apprehended the [disappeared residents] were not identified. Therefore, the preliminary investigation should be reopened."
39. On 23 December 2002 the case was taken up again by the military prosecutor of military unit No. 20102. Relatives of the disappeared persons were notified of the reopening of the investigation.
40. On 23 January 2003 the military prosecutor of military unit No. 20102 suspended the investigation on account of the failure to identify persons to be charged with the offence. Relatives of the disappeared persons were notified of the decision to suspend the investigation.
41. By letter of 18 March 2003 the military prosecutor
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