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"ЕВРОПЕЙСКАЯ КУЛЬТУРНАЯ КОНВЕНЦИЯ" (ETS N 18) [рус., англ.] (Заключена в г. Париже 19.12.1954)

в архивах Совета Европы. Генеральный секретарь препровождает заверенные копии Конвенции каждому из подписавших ее или присоединившихся к ней правительств.


(Paris, 19.XII.1954)

The governments signatory hereto, being members of the Council of Europe,
Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater unity between its members for the purpose, among others, of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage;
Considering that the achievement of this aim would be furthered by a greater understanding of one another among the peoples of Europe;
Considering that for these purposes it is desirable not only to conclude bilateral cultural conventions between members of the Council but also to pursue a policy of common action designed to safeguard and encourage the development of European culture;
Having resolved to conclude a general European Cultural Convention designed to foster among the nationals of all members, and of such other European states as may accede thereto, the study of the languages, history and civilisation of the others and of the civilisation which is common to them all,
Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

Each Contracting Party shall take appropriate measures to safeguard and to encourage the development of its national contribution to the common cultural heritage of Europe.

Article 2

Each Contracting Party shall, insofar as may be possible,
a) encourage the study by its own nationals of the languages, history and civilisation of the other Contracting Parties and grant facilities to those Parties to promote such studies in its territory, and
b) endeavour to promote the study of its language or languages, history and civilisation in the territory of the other Contracting Parties and grant facilities to the nationals of those Parties to pursue such studies in its territory.

Article 3

The Contracting Parties shall consult with one another within the framework of the Council of Europe with a view to concerted action in promoting cultural activities of European interest.

Article 4

Each Contracting Party shall, insofar as may be possible, facilitate the movement and exchange of persons as well as of objects of cultural value so that Articles 2 and 3 may be implemented.

Article 5

Each Contracting Party shall regard the objects of European cultural value placed under its control as integral parts of the common cultural heritage of Europe, shall take appropriate measures to safeguard them and shall ensure reasonable access thereto.

Article 6

1. Proposals for the application of the provisions of the present Convention and questions relating to the interpretation thereof shall be considered at meetings of the Committee of Cultural Experts of the Council of Europe.
2. Any state not a member of the Council of Europe which has acceded to the present Convention in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 9 may appoint a representative or representatives to participate in the meetings provided for in the preceding paragraph.
3. The conclusions reached at the meetings provided for in paragraph 1 of this article shall be submitted in the form of recommendations to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, unless they are decisions which are within the competence of the Committee of Cultural Experts as relating to matters of an administrative nature which do not entail additional expenditure.
4. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall communicate to

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