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<Статус Конвенции о дорожных знаках и сигналах (Вена, 8 ноября 1968 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

aragraph 2 (a) [of the Convention] declares the following reservation:
The Republic of Austria declares that Figures [paragraphs] 4 and 6 of Annex 1, section G, subsection V to the Convention on Road Signs and Signals shall not be applied."
Chile (26 June 1995):
[The Government of Chile] hereby informs the Secretary-General that the Government of Chile accepts these proposed amendments.
However, without prejudice to the foregoing, it wishes to make some comments intended to clarify the proposed text. Thus although it agrees to substitute the word "mass" for the word "weight" throughout the text, it believes that the States parties should be allowed a certain period of time in which to make the necessary adjustments.
In annex 1, entitled "Road signs" (Signos camineros), the term Senales viales should be used whenever the signs referred to include those used on any transport route in the territory, not only on roads.
The proposed amendment to article 10, paragraph 6, should serve as an alternative to the Convention's current provisions, so that each Contracting Party may opt for the alternative that it finds more suitable.
The wording of article 13 bis, paragraph 2, should be changed to make it easier to understand.
The symbol mentioned in annex 1, section A, subsection II, paragraph 5, refers to swing bridges or drawbridges and not to suspension bridges; this should be rectified.
The symbol mentioned in annex 1, section A, subsection II, paragraph 25, refers to level-crossings with gates and not to bridges; this sld be recied.
Germany (31 May 1995):
The proposals contain a revision of the Convention, whereby the location of the provisions and the references between the provisions were changed. For reasons of clarity, also the already existing reservations and declarations are hereinafter adjusted and/or confirmed.
1 Reservations
1.1. Reservation on Article 10 paragraph 6
Article 10 paragraph 6 applies in the Federal Republic of Germany subject to paragraph 9 of the Annex to the European Agreement of 1 May 1971 supplementing this Convention.
1.2. Reservation on Article 23 paragraph 7
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by Article 23 paragraph 7.
1.3. Reservation on Annex I section C subsection II No 1: Prohibition and restriction of entry.
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound as far as the design of sign C, 3g "No entry for any power-driven vehicle drawing a trailer" is concerned.
1.4. Reservation on Annex I section D subsection II No 10: Compulsory direction for vehicles carrying dangerous goods.
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound as far as the design of signs D, 10a, D, 10b, D, 10c is concerned.
1.5. Reservation on Annex I section E subsection II No 13: Signs notifying a bus or tramway stop.
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound as far as the design of signs E 15 "Bus Stop" and E 16 "Tramway Stop" is concerned.
1.6. Reservation on Annex I section E subsection II No 8: Signs having zonal validity.
The Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right to depict signs having zonal validity on a square panel.
1.7. Reservation on Annex I section G subsection I No 1: General characteristics and symbols.
The Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right to give a rectangular shape to informative signs, especially to those indicating the number and direction of lanes.
1.8. Reservation on Annex I section G subsection V No 7: Sign notifying advised itinerary for heavy vehicles.
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound as far as the design of sign G, 18 "Advised itinerary for heavy vehicles" is concerned.
1.9. Reservation on

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