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"Соглашение между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Республики Мозамбик о безвизовых поездках владельцев дипломатических и служебных паспортов" [рус., англ.] (Заключено в г. Мапуту 30.12.2009)

vice passports.

Article 5

1. In the case of loss or damage of diplomatic or service passport in the territory of the State of one Party, the citizen of the State of the other Party holding it shall immediately notify of that the Foreign Ministry of the host State through the diplomatic mission or consular office of the State of his/her nationality.
2. The diplomatic mission or consular office of the State of which the holder of the lost or damaged diplomatic or service passport is a citizen, shall issue a new diplomatic or service passport or temporary identity document entitling to the entry (return) to the State of his/her citizenship and notify of that competent authorities of the host State. The exit with the newly issued documents is allowed upon receipt of appropriate permission issued by the Foreign Ministry of the host State.

Article 6

In case of need to maintain public order, ensure national security or public health, the Parties have the right to suspend, entirely or partially, the execution of this Agreement. The Party that makes such decision shall inform the other Party about the introduced restrictions through diplomatic channels within 48 hours, as well as about their cancellation.

Article 7

This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent of the Parties by an exchange of diplomatic notes or signing of a separate Protocol to that end.

Article 8

Disputes between the Parties related to the application or interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved by consultations or negotiations.

Article 9

1. This Agreement shall enter into force after 30 days from the date of receipt of the last written notification on the fulfillment by the Parties of internal procedures that are necessary for its entry into force.
2. This Agreement is of unlimited duration and shall remain in force until one of the Parties notifies the other Party in writing through diplomatic channels of its intention to terminate it. This Agreement shall expire in 90 days from the date of receipt of such notification by the other Party.

Done at Maputo on December, 30th, 2009 in two originals in Portuguese, Russian and English, all texts being equally authentic. For the purposes of interpretation of this Agreement the English text shall be used.

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