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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 17.12.2009 «Дело Шилбергс (Shilbergs) против России» [англ.]

vided; on 23 August 2002 he was examined but no medical assistance was needed.
The [applicant's] allegation concerning his detention in the unit for more than ten days was confirmed. By virtue of Article 96 § 2 of the RSFSR Code of Criminal Procedure, in force at the time [the applicant] was detained, suspects and accused persons could be placed in temporary detention units... for no longer than ten days within a given month. The ten-day time-limit for detention in the temporary detention unit was breached twice... He was detained for 17 days from 27 September to 14 October 2001 and for 15 days from 24 August to 8 September 2002. As a result, in September 2001 he stayed in the detention unit for 15 days; in October 2001 [he stayed] for 24 days and in March 2002 for 14 days.
[The applicant's] allegations pertaining to lack of an individual sleeping place and extreme cold in winter in the cell were proven. All witnesses confirmed that [the applicant] had not had an individual sleeping place and that there had been insufficient heating in winter in the cells. The witnesses disputed [the applicant's] allegation that he had not been provided with a mattress and pillow; [the witnesses] explained that he had always been provided with a mattress and pillow and had had his own blanket.
Accordingly, the court concludes that [the applicant's] right to be detained in the temporary detention unit in accordance with the established rules and regulations was breached and that he sustained physical and mental suffering.
[The applicant's] argument that his health was damaged as a result of the poor conditions of his detention in the Neman town detention unit is not proven.
As is clear from the report of the forensic medical examination performed by the Health Department of the Kaliningrad Region, it is impossible to establish a direct causal link between [the applicant's] detention in the Neman town temporary detention unit and his illnesses.
In determining the amount of compensation for non-pecuniary damage the court has taken into account the degree of liability of the persons responsible, the insufficiency of funds and the level of physical and mental suffering of [the applicant], and considers it necessary to award 1,500 roubles in compensation."
27. On 26 April 2004 the applicant lodged a statement of appeal. He complained, in particular, that the Town Court had not ensured his presence at the hearings. He also sought leave to appear before the appeal court.
28. On 16 June 2004 the Kaliningrad Regional Court upheld the judgment of 6 April 2004, endorsing the Town Court's reasoning and noting that the applicant's presence at the hearings, before either the Town Court or the Regional Court, was not required.

C. Detention in facility No. IZ-39/1 in Kaliningrad

1. Conditions of detention

29. From 24 August 2001 to 17 April 2003, save for short periods when the applicant was transferred to the Neman town temporary detention unit, he was detained in Kaliningrad No. IZ-39/1 detention facility. According to the applicant, that detention facility was built in 1929 and no renovation work on the cells had been carried out since.
30. The Government, relying on a certificate issued on 16 August 2006 by the director of facility No. IZ-39/1, submitted that during the period in question the applicant had been detained in fourteen different cells, measuring from 7.7 to 18.5 sq. m. The smallest cell had two sleeping places and the largest one had six. The Government further noted that the applicant had had an individual sleeping place at all times as the number of inmates per cell had always corresponded to the number of sleeping places.
31. Citing the information provided by the director of the facility, the Government further s

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