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"Соглашение между Федеральной службой Российской Федерации по контролю за оборотом наркотиков и Министерством финансов Эстонской Республики о сотрудничестве в борьбе с незаконным оборотом наркотических средств, психотропных веществ и их прекурсоров" [рус., англ.] (Заключено в г. Таллине 26.11.2009)

j) Coordination of activities on the issues that emerge during the cooperation process, including creation of working groups and the exchange of representatives.
2. This Agreement does not prevent Parties from elaborating and developing any other mutually accepted ways of cooperation.

Article 3

1. Exchange of information within the frames of this Agreement shall be applied in connection with:
a) Any kind of criminal offence related to already committed unlawful Drug handling or those prepared for commitment in the territory of the other Party.
b) Persons, suspected of participation in the unlawful cross-border Drug handling;
c) Specific facts and events relating to unlawful Drug trafficking or pertinent to the intended unlawful Drug trafficking from the territory of one Party to the territory of the other Party;
d) Structures, membership list, spheres of activities, organization of management and liaisons between criminal groups, engaged in the unlawful handling of Drugs and their precursors, whose activities are of transnational character;
e) Ascertained or alleged contacts between separate individuals and criminal groups, involved in the unlawful handling of Drugs and their precursors and acting in the territory of the Parties;
f) Forms and methods of criminal practices related to the unlawful handling of Drugs and their precursors;
g) Attempted legalization (laundry) of proceeds derived from illicit handling of Drugs and their precursors;
h) Forms and methods of identification of sources of Drugs and their precursors, aimed at illicit handling as well as instruments for the control of such unlawful handling;
i) Novelty Drugs in illicit circulation, their production and consumption technologies;
j) Ways of conspiracy and disguise of cultivating, producing, transporting and marketing of Drugs and their precursors as well as methods of their detection.
k) Other issues of mutual interest

Article 4

1. Cooperation within the frames of this Agreement shall be executed based on the request or at the initiative of one of the Parties, supposing that such contribution is of the interest to the other Party as well.
Requests for assistance should be relied in written or via technical text transmission devices.
An oral request may be accepted in cases of dire urgency, but it has to be, however, confirmed by the formal written request within three days or transmitted via technical text transmission devices. If technical data transmission devices have been in use or a suspicion is cast upon the authenticity or the contents of the received request, the requested Party may ask from the requesting Party for the confirmation of the request in written.
2. The request for legal assistance shall contain:
- name of the requesting Party;
- name of the requested Party;
- basis of the request;
- brief summary of the essence of the request and the rationale;
- additional indispensable information to fill the request.
3. The requested Party may ask for additional information for the purposes of the proper filling of the request, if needed.

Article 5

1. The requested Party shall undertake all the necessary means to provide fast filling of the request as completely as possible. A request should be, as a rule, executed in 30 days, the latest, from its receipt.
2. The requested Party may allow authorized representatives of the requesting Party be present at the execution of the request in the territory of its country if it is not conflicting with the legislation of the requested Party.

Article 6

1. If the requested Party is not able to complete the reque

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