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"Соглашение между Федеральной службой Российской Федерации по контролю за оборотом наркотиков и Министерством внутренних дел Арабской Республики Египет о сотрудничестве в борьбе с незаконным оборотом наркотических средств, психотропных веществ и их прекурсоров" [рус., англ.] (Заключено в г. Каире 23.06.2009)

e Ministry of Interior of the Arab Republic of Egypt hereinafter referred to as the Parties,
Expressing concern in expansion of scales of illegal circulation of narcotics and psychotropic substances (hereinafter referred to as drugs) and their abuse,
Being conscious that drugs and their precursors illicit trafficking have posed serious threat to public health and well-being of the Parties' States,
Taking into Consideration provisions, stipulated in the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, as amended by the Protocol of 1972 on Amendments to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 and the United Nations Convention on combating Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988,
Considering mutual interest to take effective measures to combat illicit trafficking of drugs and their precursors,
Being guided by national legislation and international obligations of Parties' States,
Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

1. Subject of this Agreement is cooperation between the Parties with the purpose to organize effective countermeasures to drugs and their precursors illicit trafficking.
2. Pursuant to this Agreement, Parties will cooperate within their competence under national law and in compliance with their international obligations.
3. The present Agreement does not affect the existing procedures on extradition or legal assistance in criminal matters.

Article 2

1. Cooperation between the Parties under this Agreement will be realized in the following forms:
a) Exchange of information, concerning countermeasures to illicit trafficking of drugs and their precursors;
b) Search activities, related to illicit drugs and their precursors trafficking, carried out by one Party, in a framework of its competence, upon a request of the other Party;
c) Cooperation in organizing and fulfilling countermeasures to illicit drugs use and trafficking;
d) Cooperation and mutual assistance in actions carried out to combat illicit trafficking in drugs and precursors thereof, including controlled deliveries and monitoring of the licit circulation of drugs;
e) Work experience exchange, including through work meetings, conferences and workshops;
f) Exchanging legislative and other national legal acts, materials on practices of their execution, statistic data and methodical recommendations on matters of combating illicit drugs and their precursors trafficking, including control measures over their legal circulation;
g) Staff and personnel training and re-training;
h) Material, technical and advisory assistance as well as expertise assistance;
i) Carrying out scientific research of mutual interest on problems of combating illicit drugs and their precursors' trafficking;
j) Coordinating cooperation activities, including work groups formation and exchange of the representatives of the Parties.
2. This Agreement does not prevent Parties from elaborating and developing any other mutually accepted ways of cooperation.

Article 3

Pursuant to this Agreement exchange of information shall be effective in respect to:
a) Any committed or being under preparation crime or offence related to illicit drugs trafficking on a territory of the other Party's State;
b) Individuals suspected of cross border illicit drugs trafficking;
c) Particular facts and events related to drugs illicit transportation from the State territory of one Party to the State territory of the other Party or such intention;
d) Structures, individuals, types of business, systems of management and contacts of criminal groups, involved in illicit traffic

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