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"Соглашение между Федеральной службой Российской Федерации по контролю за оборотом наркотиков и Министерством внутренних дел Арабской Республики Египет о сотрудничестве в борьбе с незаконным оборотом наркотических средств, психотропных веществ и их прекурсоров" [рус., англ.] (Заключено в г. Каире 23.06.2009)

king of drugs and their precursors, whose activities are transnational in nature;
e) Contacts, which have taken place or supposed to take place between particular individuals or criminal groups, linked with illicit drugs and their precursors trafficking in the Parties States;
f) Forms and methods of criminal activities linked to illicit drugs and their precursors trafficking;
g) Activities aimed at legalizing (laundering) of an income from illicit trafficking of drugs and their precursors;
h) Forms and methods used to reveal supply sources of drugs and their precursors coming into illicit trafficking, as well as measures, aimed at suppressing such trafficking;
i) Types of drugs, technologies of their production and methods of use newly emerged in illicit trafficking;
j) Methods used to conceal and camouflage drugs and their precursors while their cultivation, production, transportation and sale, as well as methods of their detection;
k) Other issues of mutual interest.

Article 4

1. In compliance with this Agreement an assistance will be provided upon request or by initiative of one of the Parties, which believes, that such assistance is in an interest of the other Party.
The request for assistance shall be handed over in writing or transmitted using technical means of text transfer.
In urgent cases, oral phone request may be accepted, but it has to be confirmed either in writing or through technical means of text transfer within three days.
When using technical means of data transfer or wherever there is any doubt concerning authenticity or content of the request received, the requested Party may address the requesting Party for a written confirmation.
2. The request for assistance shall comprise as follows:
- Name of the requesting Party;
- Name of the requested Party;
- Brief presentation of the essence of the request and its reasoning;
- Other data necessary to execute request.
3. The requested Party may inquire additional information to comply with the request if needed.

Article 5

The requested Party takes all necessary measures to insure fast and as complete as possible execution of the request. As a rule, the request shall be executed as soon as possible.

Article 6

1. If not possible, or in case of the request denial, the requesting Party shall be notified immediately in written form and informed of the reasons which prevent the request from being executed.
2. The request may be denied fully or partially in case, if the requested Party believes, that its execution could cause damage to sovereignty, security or other essential interests of its State or contradicts with its national legislation.
3. If the requested Party believes, that immediate execution of the request could prevent criminal prosecution or any other procedure, carried out on the territory of the requested Party State, the requested Party may postpone the requests' execution or make its execution conditional on such terms, as may be determined necessary after consultations with the requesting Party. If the requesting Party accepts assistance under the determined conditions the requesting Party should observe such conditions.

Article 7

1. Both Parties shall keep confidentiality of information, containing in documents and materials on drugs and their precursors illicit trafficking, which are a subject of exchange between the Parties, except for a non-confidential documents and materials.
2. The requesting Party shall use provided information only for the purposes stated in the request.
3. The confidential information, including documents and materials, provided within the frameworks of this A

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