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"Соглашение между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Японии о сотрудничестве в мирном использовании атомной энергии" [рус., англ.] (Вместе со "Списком установок...", "Уровнями физической защиты") (Заключено в г. Токио 12.05.2009)

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All plutonium except that with isotopic concentration exceeding 80% in plutonium-238.
Nuclear material not irradiated in a reactor or nuclear material irradiated in a reactor but with a radiation level equal to or less than 1 Gy/hr (100 rads/hr) at one meter unshielded.
Quantities not falling in Category III and natural uranium, depleted uranium and thorium should be protected at least in accordance with prudent management practice.
Although this level of protection is recommended, it would be open to the Parties, upon evaluation of the specific circumstances, to assign a different category of physical protection.
Other fuel which by virtue of its original fissile material content is classified as Category I or II before irradiation may be reduced one category level while the radiation level from the fuel exceeds 1 Gy/hr (100 rads/hr) at one meter unshielded.

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