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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 23.04.2009 «Дело Исраилова и другие (Israilova and others) против России» [англ.]

ferred to the events as follows:
"... After a certain lapse of time the door of our small carriage opened and [they] started to take us outside in turn. I was taken outside as well and led to a column standing right in the street, tied up to it and [they] started beating me. While asking different questions, [they] were beating me with truncheons, legs and hands. Having realised that I had nothing to tell, [they] brought me back inside the small carriage and took another detainee out of it, it went on like this for several hours."
The interview record stated as follows:
"[They] started taking us outside of the small carriage in turns and, having tied to a column in the street, beat us with truncheons, legs and hands."
36. On 6 January 2003 the remains discovered were identified as belonging to R.Ya. Later criminal cases Nos. 30002 and 34/33/0008-03 were joined under the number 30002.
37. On 13 January 2003 the Special Envoy of the Russian President in Chechnya for Rights and Freedoms ("the Special Envoy") forwarded the first applicant's complaint to the prosecutor's office of the Chechen Republic.
38. On 21 January 2003 the ORB-2 forwarded M.D.'s letter to the city prosecutor's office.
39. On 27 January 2003 the prosecutor's office of the Chechen Republic forwarded M.D.'s letter to the city prosecutor's office and ordered that it be included in the case file relating to the investigation into the kidnapping of Adlan Dovtayev and Sharpuddin Israilov.
40. On 29 January 2003 the prosecutor's office of the Chechen Republic informed the first applicant that the investigation into her son's kidnapping had been opened on 4 January 2003 but those missing had not yet been found and invited her to send further queries to the city prosecutor's office.
41. On 15 February 2003 the unit prosecutor's office forwarded M.D.'s letter to the district prosecutor's office.
42. On 18 February 2003 the Russian Ministry of the Interior informed the first applicant that her complaint had been forwarded to the ORB-2.
43. On 25 February 2003 the Russian State Duma forwarded M.D.'s letter to the Prosecutor General's Office.
44. On 4, 7 and 27 March 2003 the South Federal Circuit Department of the Prosecutor General's Office forwarded M.D.'s letters to the prosecutor's office of the Chechen Republic.
45. On 9 March 2003 the city prosecutor's office granted the second applicant victim status.
46. On 28 March 2003 the Prosecutor General's Office forwarded M.D.'s complaint to the UGA prosecutor's office.
47. On 1 April 2003 the prosecutor's office of the Chechen Republic forwarded M.D.'s complaint about his nephew's disappearance to the city prosecutor's office and ordered that the facts complained of be verified by 18 April 2003.
48. On 2 April 2003 the unit prosecutor's office replied to M.D. that his complaint was similar to those previously lodged.
49. On 5 April 2003 the UGA prosecutor's office forwarded M.D.'s letter to the unit prosecutor's office.
50. On 9 April 2003 the first applicant requested the city prosecutor's office to grant her victim status in case No. 30002 and to inform her of the eventual progress in the investigation.
51. On 14 April 2003 the city prosecutor's office granted the eighth applicant victim status.
52. On 15 May 2003 the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office forwarded the first and eighth applicants' complaint about "actions of federal military servicemen relating to their sons' detention" to the unit prosecutor's office.
53. On 2 June 2003 the city prosecutor's office decided, pursuant to the subject-matter jurisdiction rules, to transfer

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