esignated routes assigned to and flight plans filed by civil aircraft in the area of military operations, including information on communication channels, identification modes and codes, destination, passengers and cargo.
131. In the immediate vicinity of naval operations, civil aircraft shall comply with instructions from the combatants regarding their heading and altitude.
132. In order to avoid the necessity of visit and search, belligerent States may establish reasonable measures for the inspection of the cargo of neutral civil aircraft and certification that an aircraft is not carrying contraband.
133. The fact that a neutral civil aircraft has submitted to such measures of supervision as the inspection of its cargo and grant of certificates of non-contraband cargo by one belligerent is not an act of unneutral service with regard to an opposing belligerent.
134. In order to obviate the necessity for visit and search, neutral States are encouraged to enforce reasonable control measures and certification procedures to ensure that their civil aircraft are not carrying contraband.
Section IV
135. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 136, enemy vessels, whether merchant or otherwise, and goods on board such vessels may be captured outside neutral waters. Prior exercise of visit and search is not required.
136. The following vessels are exempt from capture:
a) hospital ships and small craft used for coastal rescue operations;
b) other medical transports, so long as they are needed for the wounded, sick and shipwrecked on board;
c) vessels granted safe conduct by agreement between the belligerent parties including:
i) cartel vessels, e.g., vessels designated for and
engaged in the transport of prisoners of war; and
ii) vessels engaged in humanitarian missions, including
vessels carrying supplies indispensable to the survival of the
civilian population, and vessels engaged in relief actions and
rescue operations;
d) vessels engaged in transporting cultural property under special protection;
e) vessels charged with religious, non-military scientific or philanthropic missions; vessels collecting scientific data of likely military applications are not protected;
f) small coastal fishing vessels and small boats engaged in local coastal trade, but they are subject to the regulations of a belligerent naval commander operating in the area and to inspectiorr, and
g) vessels designed or adapted exclusively for responding to pollution incidents in the marine environment when actually engaged in such activities.
137. Vessels listed in paragraph 136 are exempt from capture only if they:
a) are innocently employed in their normal role;
b) do not commit acts harmful to the enemy;
c) immediately submit to identification and inspection when required; and
d) do not intentionally hamper the movement of combatants and obey orders to stop or move out of the way when required.
138. Capture of a merchant vessel is exercised by taking such vessel as prize for adjudication. If military circumstances preclude taking such a vessel as prize at sea, it may be diverted to an appropriate area or port in order to complete capture. As an alternative to capture, an enemy merchant vessel may be diverted from its declared destination.
139. Subject to paragraph 140, a captured enemy merchant vessel may, as an exceptional measure, be destroyed when military circumstances preclude taking or sending such a vessel for adjudication as an enemy prize, only if the following criteria are met beforehand:
a) the safety of passengers and crew is provided for; for this purpose, the
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