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ations, treatment not less favourable than that accorded by the Government to any other Government including its diplomatic missions or to other intergovernmental, international organizations in matter of priorities, tariffs and charges on mail, cablegrams, telephotos, telephone, telegraph, telex and other communications, as well as rates for information to the press and radio.
2. The Government shall secure the inviolability of the official communications and correspondence of UNHCR and shall not apply any censorship to its communications and correspondence. Such inviolability, without limitation by reason of this enumeration, shall extend to publications, photographs, slides, films and sound recordings.
3. UNHCR shall have the right to use codes and to despatch and receive correspondence and other materials by courier or in sealed bags which shall have the same privileges and immunities as diplomatic couriers and bags.
4. UNHCR shall have the right to operate radio and other telecommunications equipment, on UN registered frequencies, and those allocated by the Government, between its offices, within and outside the country, and in particular with UNHCR Headquarters in Geneva.

Article X

UNHCR officials

1. The UNHCR Representative, Deputy Representative and other officials, as may be agreed between UNHCR and the Government, shall enjoy, while in the country, in respect of themselves, their spouses and dependent relatives the privileges and immunities, exemptions and facilities normally accorded to diplomatic envoys. For this purpose the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall include their names in the Diplomatic List.
2. UNHCR officials, while in the country, shall enjoy the following facilities, privileges and immunities:
a) Immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and all acts performed by them in their official capacity;
b) Immunity from inspection and seizure of their official baggage;
c) Immunity from any military service obligations or any other obligatory service;
d) Exemption, with respect to themselves, their spouses, their relatives dependent on them and other members of their households from immigration restriction and alien registration;
e) Exemption from taxation in respect of the salaries and all other remuneration paid to them by UNHCR;
f) Exemption from any form of taxation on income derived by them from sources outside the country;
g) Prompt clearance and issuance, without cost, of visas, licenses or permits, if required and free movement within, to or from the country to the extent necessary for the carrying out of UNHCR international protection and humanitarian assistance programmes.
h) Freedom to hold or maintain within the country, foreign exchange, foreign currency accounts and movable property and the right upon termination of employment with UNHCR to take out of the host country their funds for the lawful possession of which they can show good cause;
i) The same protection and repatriation facilities with respect to themselves, their spouses and relatives dependent on them and other members of their households as are accorded in time of international crisis to diplomatic envoys;
j) The right to import for personal use, free of duty and other levies, prohibitions and restrictions on imports:
i) Their furniture and personal effects in one or more
separate shipments, and thereafter to import necessary
additions to the same, including motor vehicles, according to
the regulations applicable in the country to diplomatic
representatives accredited in the country and / or resident
members of international organizations;
ii) Reasonable quantities of certain articles

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