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«Статус Конвенции N 106 Международной организации труда "О еженедельном отдыхе в торговле и учреждениях" (Женева, 26 июня 1957 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 06.05.2011)

nts specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Brazil 18.06.1965
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1 (a), (c) and (d).
Bulgaria 22.07.1960
Cameroon 13.05.1988
Colombia 04.03.1969
Comoros 23.10.1978
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Costa Rica 04.05.1959
Croatia 08.10.1991
Cuba 02.06.1958
Cyprus 20.12.1966
Denmark 17.01.1958
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1 (a).
Djibouti 03.08.1978
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Dominican Republic 23.06.1958
Ecuador 03.10.1969
Egypt 23.10.1958
Ethiopia 28.01.1991
France 05.05.1971
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Gabon 26.04.1973
Ghana 15.12.1958
Greece 28.08.1981
Guatemala 09.12.1959
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Guinea-Bissau 21.02.1977
Haiti 04.03.1958
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Honduras 20.06.1960
Indonesia 23.08.1972
Islamic Republic of Iran 22.01.1968
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Iraq 05.07.1960
Israel 19.06.1961
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1 (b), (c) and (d).
Italy 12.08.1963
Jordan 23

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