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«Статус Конвенции N 106 Международной организации труда "О еженедельном отдыхе в торговле и учреждениях" (Женева, 26 июня 1957 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 06.05.2011)

Kuwait 21.09.1961
Kyrgyzstan 31.03.1992
Latvia 08.03.1993
Lebanon 01.06.1977
Malta 09.06.1988
Mexico 01.06.1959
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Montenegro 03.06.2006
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Morocco 22.07.1974
Netherlands 02.05.2001
Pakistan 15.02.1960
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1 (c).
Paraguay 21.03.1966
Peru 11.07.1988
Portugal 24.10.1960
Russian Federation 22.09.1967
Sao Tome and Principe 17.06.1992
Saudi Arabia 15.06.1978
Serbia 24.11.2000
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Slovenia 29.05.1992
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Spain 05.05.1971
Sri Lanka 27.10.1983
Suriname 15.06.1976
Syrian Arab Republic 23.10.1958
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Tajikistan 26.11.1993
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 17.11.1991
Tunisia 28.05.1958
The Government has declared that the Convention also applies
to persons employed in the establishments specified in
Article 3, paragraph 1.
Ukraine 19.06.1968
Uruguay 28.06.1973

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