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«Статус Европейского временного соглашения о социальном обеспечении по старости, инвалидности и потере кормильца (ETS N 12) (Париж, 11 декабря 1953 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 24.01.2011)

ntion between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on social security, dated 11 August 1954.
i. Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Turkey on social security and Protocol of signature, dated 5 April 1966 (entered into force on 1 April 1968), as amended by the Convention of 4 September 1980 revising the Convention of 5 April 1966.
j. Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Greece on social security, dated 13 September 1966 (entered into force on 1 July 1970).
k. Convention on social security between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Portugal, dated 19 July 1979 (entered into force on 1 January 1981).
l. Convention on social security between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Sweden, dated 2 July 1982 (entered into force on 1 March 1983).
[Note by the Secretariat: Last updating contained in a letter from the Permanent Representative of the Netherlands, dated 10 May 1983, registered at the Secretariat General on 11 May 1983.]
Period covered: 1/4/1955 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 8

Interpretation of the terms: "nationals" and "territory"
a Nationals: Persons of Norwegian nationality according to the Norwegian Nationality Act of 8th December 1950.
b Territory: The Kingdom of Norway, with the exception of Svalbard. The Agreements will not apply to the Svalbard (Spitzbergen) Archipelago, although these territories form a part of the Kingdom, owing to the fact that the Norwegian social security system has not been extended to the said territories.
Period covered: 1/10/1954 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 2
ANNEX I - Social Security Schemes to which the Agreement applies
Laws and regulations relating to:
a. Old-age, invalidity and survivors pensions under the National Insurance Act of 17 June 1966.
b. Special Supplement to benefits from the National Insurance Scheme under the Act of 19 June 1969.
c. Compensation Supplement to benefits from the National Insurance Scheme under the Act of 19 December 1969.
d. Pension insurance for seamen under the Act of 3 December 1948.
e. Pension insurance for forestry workers under the Act of 3 December 1951.
f. Pension insurance for fishermen under the Act of 28 June 1957.
The schemes listed under a. are non-contributory as far as the basic pension is concerned and contributory as far as the supplementary pension is concerned. The schemes listed under b. and c. are non-contributory while the schemes listed under d., e. and f. are contributory.
[Note by the Secretariat: Last updating contained in a letter from the Ministry of Social Affairs of Norway, dated 11 May 1983, registered at the Secretariat General on 16 May 1983.]
Period covered: 1/10/1954 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 7
ANNEX II - Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements to which the Agreement applies
a. Convention between Norway and France on social security of 30 September 1954, in force as of 1 July 1956.
b. Convention between Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of 25 July 1957, in force as of 1 April 1958.
c. Convention between Norway and Italy on social security of 12 June 1959, in force as of 1 February 1962.
d. Convention between Norway and the Republic of Turkey of 20 July 1978, in force as of 1 June 1981. Administrative Agreement of 30 July 1981.
e. Convention between Norway and the Republic of Portugal on social security of 5 June 1980, in force as of 1 September 1981. Administrative Agreement of 15 December 1980.
f. Convention between Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and S

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