<Статус Протокола о запрещении или ограничении применения мин, мин-ловушек и других устройств с поправками, внесенными 3 мая 1996 года (Протокол II с поправками, внесенными 3 мая 1996 года), прилагаемого к Конвенции о запрещении или ограничении применения конкретных видов обычного оружия, которые могут считаться наносящими чрезмерные повреждения или имеющими неизбирательное действие (Женева, 3 мая 1996 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)
le 1:
"It is understood that the provisions of the protocol shall, as the context requires, be observed at all times."
Declaration in respect of article 2 (3):
[Same declaration, mutatis mutandis, as the one made by Ireland.]
Declaration in respect of article 5, paragraph 2 (b):
[Same declaration, mutatis mutandis, as the one made by Germany.]
The Republic of Hungary
1) declines to observe the 9 year period of deferral on compliance as allowed for in Paragraphs 2 (c) and 3 (c) of the Technical Annex to Amended Protocol II, and even prior to the entry into force of Amended Protocol II intends to be bound by its implementation measures as stipulated therein, as well as the rules of procedure regarding record keeping, detectability, self-destruction and self-deactivation and perimeter marking as stipulated in the Technical Annex;
2) intends to eliminate and eventually destroy its entire stockpile of anti-personnel landmines by December 31, 2000 the latest, in addition to the already undertaken destruction of stockpiled landmines, as initiated in August of 1996 and completed in 40%;
3) refrains from the emplacement of anti-personnel landmines and, for the duration of their complete destruction, intends to designate a central storage facility to pool the remainder stock of anti-personnel landmines as a way to facilitate inspection by international monitors;
4) announces a total ban on the development, production, acquisition, export and transfer of all types of anti-personnel landmines;
5) refrains from the operational use of anti-personnel landmines, unless a policy-revision becomes necessitated by a significant deterioration in the national security environment of the country, in which case due attention shall be paid to compliance with laws governing international warfare;
6) stands ready to engage in implementing appropriate confidence building measures, as a way to be enabled to present the implementation of the measures announced unilaterally by the Republic of Hungary in the course of joint military, educational, and training and other cooperational activities conducted with other armed forces;
7) offers appropriate technical and training assistance to international organizations engaged in de-mining activities;
8) urges her neighbours and other countries in the region to seek unilateral or coordinated measures designed to achieve the total elimination of all types of anti-personnel landmines from the weapons arsenal of the countries in the region, and expresses her readiness to engage in further negotiations to advance this cause;
9) reiterates her commitment to promote the early conclusion of and wide adherence to an international convention stipulating a total and comprehensive ban on anti-personnel landmines, by reaffirming her determination to contribute actively to the success of international efforts furthering this goal.
Article 1:
"It is the understanding of Ireland that the provisions of the amended Protocol which by their contents or nature may be applied also in peacetime, shall be observed at all times."
Article 2 (3):
"It is the understanding of Ireland that the word 'primarily' is included in article 2, paragraph 3 of the amended Protocol to clarify that mines designed to be detonated by the presence, proximity or contact of a vehicle as opposed to a person, that are equipped with anti-handling devices, are not considered anti-personnel mines as a result of being so equipped."
"Article 1:
The declaration made by Israel upon accession to the [Convention], shall be equally applicable regarding the Amended Protocol II.
Article 2 (3):<
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