<Статус Факультативного протокола к Конвенции о правах ребенка, касающегося торговли детьми, детской проституции и детской порнографии (Нью-Йорк, 25 мая 2000 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)
d Child Pornography Denmark declares that she interprets the words "any representation" in article 2 (c), of the Protocol to mean "any visual representation". Denmark further declares that the possession of pornographic visual representation of a person, who has completed his or her fifteenth year and who has consented to the said possession, shall not be considered covered by the binding provisions of the Protocol."
El Salvador
The Government of the Republic of El Salvador recognizes the extradition of nationals on the basis of the second and third clauses of article 28 of the Constitution, which stipulate that "Extradition will be regulated under international treaties; in cases involving Salvadorans, extradition will proceed only if the treaty in question expressly allows it and the treaty has been approved by the respective legislatures of the signatory countries. In any case, the terms of the treaty must include the principle of reciprocity and give Salvadorans all the guarantees with respect to trials and penalties that this Constitution provides. The accused will be extradited if the offence was committed in the territory of the requesting country, unless the offence is international in scope, and in no case for political offences, even though common criminal offences may have occurred as a result.".
...with a reservation in respect of paragraph 5 of article 3 of the second protocol.
Lao People's Democratic Republic
"The Lao People's Democratic Republic [...] does not consider itself bound by Article 5 (2) of the said Optional Protocol."
...subject to the Sultanate's reservations to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Qatar <7>, <8>
Republic of Korea
The Government of the Republic of Korea understands that Article 3(1)(a)(ii) of the aforementioned Protocol is applicable only to States Parties to the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, done at The Hague on 29 May 1993.
Republic of Moldova
"Until the full re-establishment of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova, the provisions of the convention shall be applied only on the territory controlled effectively by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova."
Upon signature:
"Reference is made to earlier statements submitted by the EU in connection with the Working group's ad-referendum adoption of the Optional Protocol on 4 February 2000 and the national statement submitted by Sweden at the same occasion as well as the Swedish statement submitted in connection with the adoption of the Protocol by the General Assembly on 25 May 2000. Furthermore Sweden interprets the words 'any representation' in article 2 c) as 'visual representation'".
Upon ratification:
"...Sweden interprets the word "any representation" in article 2 c) of the Protocol as "visual representation".
Syrian Arab Republic
"A reservation is entered to the provisions set forth in article 3, paragraph 5, and article 3, paragraph 1 (a) (ii) of the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, which relate to adoption.
Ratification of the two Optional Protocols by the Syrian Arab Republic shall not in any event imply recognition of Israel and shall not lead to entry into any dealings with Israel in the matters governed by the provisions of the Protocols."
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