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<Статус Конвенции Организации Объединенных Наций против коррупции (Нью-Йорк, 31 октября 2003 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

ited Nations Convention against Corruption:
For the application of the Convention, the meaning of the term "offence" shall be understood to be "punishable act", in accordance with current domestic legislation.

Reservation made upon signature and confirmed upon ratification:
...with reservation on the provisions of paragraph 2 of article 66 of the Convention, concerning arbitration and referring the dispute to the International Court of Justice, under the name of the State of Qatar.

Russian Federation
1) The Russian Federation possesses jurisdiction over the acts recognized as criminal pursuant to article 15; article 16, paragraph 1; articles 17 to 19, 21 and 22; article 23, paragraph 1; and articles 24, 25 and 27 of the Convention in the cases covered by article 42, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Convention;
3) The Russian Federation believes that article 44, paragraph 15 of the Convention must be interpreted in such a way as to make accountability for offences falling within the purview of this Convention inescapable, without prejudice to the effectiveness of international cooperation on extradition and legal assistance;
4) The Russian Federation declares, on the basis of article 46, paragraph 7, of the Convention, that it will apply article 46, paragraphs 9 to 29, of the Convention in lieu of the corresponding provisions of treaties of mutual legal assistance concluded between the Russian Federation and other States Parties to the Convention, on a foundation of reciprocity, if, in the view of the central authority of the Russian Federation, to do so would facilitate cooperation;
7) The Russian Federation declares, in accordance with article 48, paragraph 2, of the Convention, that it will consider the Convention to be the basis for mutual cooperation between law enforcement agencies in respect of the offences covered by the Convention, provided that such cooperation does not involve investigations or other procedural activities in the territory of the Russian Federation;
8) The Russian Federation declares, in accordance with article 55, paragraph 6, of the Convention, that it will consider the Convention to be a necessary and sufficient treaty basis for taking the measures referred to in article 55, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Convention, on a foundation of reciprocity.

"Pursuant to Article 66, paragraph 3 of the above mentioned Convention, the Government of the Republic of Singapore does not consider itself bound by the provisions of Article 66, paragraph 2 of the said Convention."

South Africa
"...pending a decision by the Government of the Republic of South Africa on the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, the Government of the Republic does not consider itself bound by the terms of Article 66 (2) of the Convention which provides for the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in differences arising out of the interpretation or application of the Convention. The Republic will adhere to the position that, for the submission of a particular dispute for settlement by the International Court, the consent of all the parties to the dispute is required in every individual case."

Declaration made upon signature and confirmed upon ratification:
The Kingdom of Spain declares that the expression "special territory" used in article 46, paragraph 13, refers to entities included within the territorial organization of States Parties, but not to dependent territories for whose international relations those States are responsible.

Upon signature:
The Republic of Tunisia dec

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