...] it is provided in paragraph 14 of Article 46 of the Convention, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania declares that requests for legal assistance and documents pertaining thereto, which shall be submitted to the Republic of Lithuania, should be accompanied by respective translations into English, Russian or Lithuanian, in case the aforementioned documents are not in one of these languages."
21 December 2007
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg declares that it takes the United Nations Convention against Corruption as the legal basis for cooperation on extradition with other States Parties.
13 November 2009
1. Notification on the basis of article 46, paragraph 13, of the Convention:
Modifications below of the notification of 7 February 2008 in connection with the address of the Parquet General aupres de la Cour Superieure de Justice of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as follows:
Parquet General aupres de la Cour Superieure de Justice
Batiment CR
L-2080 Luxembourg
Tel.: (+ 352) 47 59 81-336
Fax: (+ 352) 47 05 50
Email: parquet.general@justice.etat.lu
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg designates the Parquet General aupres de la Cour Superieure de Justice as the central authority responsible for receiving requests for mutual legal assistance or transmitting them to the competent authorities of another State party to the Convention for execution.
2. Notification on the basis of article 46, paragraph 14, of the Convention:
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg accepts written requests for mutual legal assistance in the German, French or English languages or accompanied by a translation into one of these languages.
Furthermore, I have the honour to inform you, on the basis of article 6, paragraph 3, of the Convention, that article 2 of the Act of 1 August 2007 on the approval of the aforementioned Convention has established a committee for the prevention of corruption (known as COPRECO). The committee is able to assist other States parties to develop and implement specific measures for the prevention of corruption.
The following is the contact information for the committee:
Comite de prevention de la corruption
Monsieur Luc Reding
13, rue Erasme
L-1468 Luxembourg
Tel.: (+ 352) 2478-4555
Fax: (+ 352) 22 05 19
22 February 2010
Notification under article 6 (3):
"Ministry of Finance and Treasury
Ameenee Magu
Male, Republic of Maldives
General Tel. No.: (960) 332 8790/(960) 334 9200
Fax No.: (960) 332 4432
Email: admin@finance.gov.mv"
5 April 2010
Notification under article 46(13):
"Ministry of Finance and Treasury
Ameenee Magu
Male, Republic of Maldives
General Tel. No.: (960) 332 8790/(960) 334 9200
Fax No.: (960) 332 4432
Email: admin@finance.gov.mv"
The Republic of Mali, pursuant to Article 44 (6), notifies that this Convention will constitute the legal basis for cooperation on extradition with other States Parties to this Convention.
"1. In accordance with, paragraph 3 of Article 6 the authority designated to assist other States Parties in developing and implementing specific measures for the prevention of corruption is - The Permanent Commission against Corruption, The Palace, Valletta, Malta.
2. In accordance with, paragraph 13 of Article 46 the central authority designated in pursuance of this article is the Office of the Attorney General, Attorney General's Chambers, The Palace, Valletta, Malta.
3. Pursuant to Article 46.14, the Government of Malta declares that requests and annexed
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