the Charter of the United Nations. All States, without any restriction, should be given the possibility of participating in the Convention.
2. The provisions of article 38 of the Convention, as such, are anachronistic and are not in conformity with the principles of contemporary international law or the present state of international relations, and they are at variance with the United Nations General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960.
Upon ratification:
[The Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic] considers itself bound by the provisions of article 10, paragraph 6, of the Convention, relative to the [advance warning signs for sign B, 2], subject to its tenor as defined in the European Agreement supplementary thereto.
"The Government of the Republic of India does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 44 of the Convention.
"India shall treat mopeds as motor cycles."
"Indonesia does not consider itself bound by article 44.
"In conformity with article 1 moped will be deemed as motor-cycle."
Iraq <16>
Ratification of this Convention by the Republic of Iraq shall under no circumstances signify recognition of or entry into any relations with Israel.
"The Republic of Lithuania does not consider itself bound by article 44 of the Convention."
With regard to the provisions of article 10, paragraph 6:
The advance warning sign for sign B, 2a shall be sign B, 1, supplemented by a rectangular panel bearing the word "Stop" and a figure indicating the distance to sign B, 2a.
With regard to the provisions of article 23, paragraph 7:
Red or yellow arrows shall be used on a black circular background.
Morocco does not consider itself bound by the contents of article 44 thereof.
Morocco will treat mopeds as motor cycles.
[For the text of a declaration regarding the application of the Convention to the territories of Svalbard and Jan Mayen see chapter XI.B.19.]
"The Government of Norway shall not be bound by the provisions, in article 10 (6), annex 4 A (2) (a) (iii), annex 4 A (2) (a) (v) and annex 5 F (4) and (5) [of the Convention]."
Poland <17>
Upon signature:
The Socialist Republic of Romania does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 44 of this Convention.
Upon ratification:
Declaration and reservation:
[For the text see the declarations and the reservation made in respect of the Convention on Road Traffic concluded at Vienna on 8 November 1968 (chapter XI.b.19).]
Russian Federation
Reservation and declarations made upon signature and confirmed upon ratification:
[Same reservation and declarations, mutatis mutandis, as those reproduced under "Belarus".]
"In compliance with article 46 (2) of the Convention on Road Signs and Signals the Government of the Republic of Seychelles declares that [it] treats mopeds as motor cycles."
Slovakia <5>
In accordance with article 46, ...Spain does not consider itself bound by article 44 and enters a reservation with respect to article 38.
"(1) Instead of article 10, paragraph 6 of the Convention Sweden will apply the dispositions of paragraph 9 of the annex of the European Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals.
"(2) With respect to annex 5, section F, paragraph 4, of the Conve
> 1 2 3 ... 6 7 8 ... 10 11 12