¦France <26> ¦F ¦
¦Georgia ¦GE ¦
¦Germany <7> ¦D ¦
¦Greece ¦GR ¦
¦Guyana ¦GUY ¦
¦Hungary ¦H ¦
¦Iran (Islamic Republic of) ¦IR ¦
¦Israel ¦IL ¦
¦Italy ¦I ¦
¦Kazakhstan ¦KZ ¦
¦Kenya ¦E.A.K. ¦
¦Kuwait ¦KWT ¦
¦Latvia ¦LV ¦
¦Lithuania ¦LT ¦
¦Luxembourg ¦L ¦
¦Monaco ¦MC ¦
¦Mongolia ¦MGL ¦
¦Morocco ¦MA ¦
¦Niger ¦RN ¦
¦Norway ¦N ¦
¦Pakistan ¦PK ¦
¦Philippines ¦RP ¦
¦Poland ¦PL ¦
¦Romania ¦RO ¦
¦Russian Federation <27> ¦RUS ¦
¦San Marino ¦RSM ¦
¦Senegal ¦SN ¦
¦Serbia ¦SCG ¦
¦Seychelles ¦SY ¦
¦Slovakia <5> ¦SK ¦
¦Slovenia ¦SLO ¦
¦South Africa ¦ZA ¦
¦Sweden ¦S ¦
¦Switzerland ¦CH ¦
¦Tajikistan ¦TJ ¦
¦The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia <4>, <12> ¦MK ¦
¦Tunisia ¦TN ¦
¦Turkmenistan <28> ¦TM ¦
¦Ukraine <29> ¦UA ¦
¦Uruguay ¦ROU ¦
¦Uzbekistan ¦UZ ¦
¦Zimbabwe ¦ZW ¦
End Note
1. Amendments proposed by the Government of Poland were circulated by the Secretary-General on 3 March 1993. Less that one-third of the Contracting Parties having informed the Secretary-General that they rejected the said proposed amendments within the period of twelve m
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