onths following the date of the depositary notification (3 March 1993), the amendments were deemed to have been accepted. The Amendments entered into force on 3 September 1993 for all Contracting Parties except for the following States with respect to which only those amendments which these Parties have not rejected, will enter into force:
Denmark (26 February 1993):
"The Government of Denmark can accept the proposed amendments except for the following provisions which have to be rejected:
- Article 25, paragraph 2, according to which drivers emerging on to a motorway shall give way to vehicles travelling on it;
- Article 32, paragraph 4, concerning the use of fog lamps;
- Article 32, paragraph 7, concerning the use of driving lights;
- Annex 6, item 4, on numbering on driving permits and, consequently, article 43, paragraph 2, in so far as it refers to annex 6."
Finland (26 February 1993):
"Finland accepts the proposed amendments to the Convention on Road Traffic, but wishes to inform the Depositary and the Contracting Parties, that if the amendments are deemed accepted, Finland will make the following reservations pursuant to article 54, paragraph 5, of the Convention:
1. Finland does not consider itself to be bound by the proposed amendment to article 18, paragraph 7, of the Convention.
2. Finland does not consider itself to be bound by the proposed amendment to article 25, paragraph 2, of the Convention.
3. Finland does not consider itself to be bound by the first sentence of the proposed amendment to article 32, paragraph 6, of the Convention."
Germany (2 March 1993):
The Federal Republic of Germany is able to approve the proposed amendments of Poland with the following reservations:
1. Reservation concerning article 13, paragraph 2
The Federal Republic of Germany, in its national law, reserves the right not to set speed limits for certain categories of roads.
2. Reservation concerning article 19, sub-paragraph (d)
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by the amendments to article 19, subparagraph (d), of the Convention.
(Subsequently, on 30 November 1993, the Government of Germany notified the Secretary-General that it was withdrawing the reservation No. 2.)
3. Reservation concerning article 23, paragraph 3, subparagraphs (b), (iv) and (c)
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by the amendments to article 23, paragraph 3, subparagraphs (b), (iv) and (c), of the Convention.
4. Reservation concerning article 32, paragraphs 8, 10 (c) and 15
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by article 32, paragraphs 8 and 10 (c), of the Convention. With respect to article 32, paragraph 15, the Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right to use for warning purposes a red light on the front of certain vehicles (for example, school buses).
5. Reservation concerning article 35, paragraph 1 (c) and (d)
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by the amendments to article 35, paragraph 1 (c) and (d) of the Convention.
6. Reservation concerning article 41, paragraph 1 (a)
The Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right, in its national law, not to require the possession of a driving permit for drivers of certain categories of vehicles.
7. Reservation concerning article 41, paragraph 4
The Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right, in its national law, to indicate in some other way on the driving permit restrictions of the driving permit to certain vehicles of a particular category.
8. Reservation concerning annex 6 (Domestic driving permit), paragraph 4 of the Convention
The Federal Republic of Germayoes not consider itself bound by the number
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