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<Статус Конвенции о предотвращении и наказании преступлений против лиц, пользующихся международной защитой, в том числе дипломатических агентов (Нью-Йорк, 14 декабря 1973 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

application of the Convention shall be without prejudice to the Convention adopted at New York on 9 December 1994 on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel.

Germany <6>
Upon signature:
"The Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right, upon ratifying this Convention, to state its views on the explanations of vote and declarations made by other States upon signing or ratifying or acceding to that Convention and to make reservations regarding certain provisions of the said Convention."

Ghana <15>
"(i) Paragraph 1 of article 13 of the Convention provides that disputes may be submitted to arbitration, failing which any of the parties to the dispute may refer it to the International Court of Justice by request. Since Ghana is opposed to any form of compulsory arbitration, she wishes to exercise her option under article 13 (2) to make a reservation on article 13 (1). It is noted that such a reservation can be withdrawn later under article 13 (3)."

Hungary <16>

"The Government of the Republic of India does not consider itself bound by paragraph 1 of article 13 which establishes compulsory arbitration or adjudication by the International Court of Justice concerning disputes between two or more States Parties relating to the interpretation or application of this Convention."

Iraq <13>, <17>
(1) The resolution of the United Nations General Assembly with which the above-mentioned Convention is enclosed shall be considered to be an integral part of the above-mentioned Convention.
(2) Sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph (1) of article 1 of the Convention shall cover the representatives of the national liberation movements recognized by the League of Arab States or the Organization of African Unity.
(3) The Republic of Iraq shall not bind itself by paragraph (1) of article 13 of the Convention.
(4) The accession of the Government of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention shall in no way constitute a recognition of Israel or a cause for the establishment of any relations of any kind therewith.

Israel <18>
"The Government of the State of Israel declares that its accession to the Convention does not constitute acceptance by it as binding of the provisions of any other international instrument, or acceptance by it of any other international instrument as being an instrument related to the Convention.
The Government of Israel reaffirms the contents of its communication of 11 May 1979 to the Secretary-General of the United Nations."
"The State of Israel does not consider itself bound by paragraph 1 of article 13 of the Convention."

"Jamaica avails itself of the provisions of article 13, paragraph 2, and declares that it does not consider itself bound by the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article under which any dispute between two or more States Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention shall, at the request of one of them, be submitted to arbitration or referred to the International Court of Justice, and states that in each individual case, the con sent of all parties to such a dispute is necessary for the submission of the dispute to arbitration or to the International Court of Justice."

Jordan <17>
The Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan declares that its accession [...] cannot give rise to relations with "Israel".

Kuwait <17>
[The Government of Kuwait] wishes to reiterate Kuwait's complete reservation on paragraph 1 of article 13 in the Convention, for its accession to it does not mean in any way a recognition of Israel by the Government of the State of Ku

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