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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 29.07.2010 <Дело Копылов (Kopylov) против России» [англ.]

ologise for killing him. They undressed him and threatened to rape him. Mr Gerasimov smacked his hands over the applicant's ears. He lost consciousness and was handed over to the police officers Mr Kondratov and Mr Trubitsyn, who continued the beatings. They tied his hands behind his back with a rope and hung him down, then put a gas-mask on him and blocked the air vent.
9. At about midnight the applicant was placed in a punishment cell at the police station.
10. On 23 January 2001 the applicant was formally detained and questioned. He denied his guilt and signed an undertaking not to leave the town. However, instead of being released, he was again placed in a cell at Dolgorukovskoe police station. It is apparent from the register of detainees at the police station that the applicant was held there from 23 to 26 January 2001.
11. According to the applicant, during his detention at Dolgorukovskoe police station he was repeatedly beaten up by Mr Lukin (the head of the public safety department), Mr Abakumov, Mr Gerasimov and Mr Butsan (a deputy head of the police station). He was also punched by the police officers Mr Kondratov, Mr Trubitsyn, Mr Alyabyev, Mr Panteleyev and Mr Savvin. They slapped and kicked him in the head, back, stomach, kidneys and liver, hit his eyes with their fingers, smacked their hands over his ears and spat at him. They threatened to rape and kill him. They put a gas-mask on him and blocked the vent, and forced him to inhale cigarette smoke.
12. On 26 January 2001 the applicant was formally remanded in custody on suspicion of murder. He was then transferred to Volovskoe police station of the Lipetsk Region, where he remained until 28 January 2001. He was questioned by Mr Shubin, who threatened to beat him up if he did not confess to the murder.
13. On 28 January 2001 the applicant was taken back to Dolgorukovskoe police station. He stated that every day from 28 to 31 January 2001 he had been severely beaten up by the same policemen as before. Mr Alyabyev, Mr Lukin and Mr Kavyrshin administered electric shocks to various parts of his body through wires connected to a dynamo and insisted that he should refuse legal assistance and confess. The applicant lost consciousness several times. An investigator from the prosecutor's office of the Lipetsk Region, Mr Andreyev, witnessed the ill-treatment.
14. On 29 January 2001 the applicant had a talk with Mr Ibiyev, an investigator from the prosecutor's office of the Lipetsk Region in charge of the inquiry into the policeman's murder. Mr Ibiyev allegedly urged him to confess and threatened that beatings would continue until the confession was made.
15. On 30 January 2001 the applicant confessed to the murder and his confession was videotaped. Before the videotaping, the police officer Ms Karavayeva put make-up on his face to conceal the bruises.
16. On 31 January 2001 the applicant was charged with murdering the policeman. He repeated his confession to the investigator Mr Ibiyev. Before being questioned he made a handwritten statement that he did not require legal assistance.
17. On 2 February 2001 the applicant was transferred to detention facility No. YuU-323/T-2 in the town of Yelets in the Lipetsk Region ("the Yelets detention facility"). On that day he had a meeting with counsel retained by his mother. Counsel saw bruises and abrasions on his face and body.
18. From 9 to 17 February and from 29 March to 7 April, the applicant was held at Dolgorukovskoe police station. According to the applicant, he was repeatedly beaten up by the same policemen as before. They tied him up, wrapped him up in a mattress, put him on the floor and jumped on him. They hit his feet with rubber truncheons, punched and kicked him, and smacked their hands over his ears. They pointed a gun at him and threatened to rape him. They put a gas-mask on him and blocked the vent

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