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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 17.06.2010 «Дело Батаев и другие (Batayev and others) против России» [англ.]

the ORB-2") and the head of the Chechnya FSB Department.
57. On the same date the district prosecutor's office requested the head of the Achkhoy-Martan district department of the interior (ROVD) to identify close relatives of Usman Mavluyev residing in Zakan-Yurt and to check whether he had been a member of an illegal armed group. At the same time the head of the Zavodskoy ROVD was requested to establish which units of the federal forces had been deployed at the checkpoint in Chernorechye, which officers had been on duty at the checkpoint on 8 January 2000, to identify close relatives of Usman Mavluyev and witnesses to his abduction and to summon them to the district prosecutor's office.
58. On 8 May 2004 the district prosecutor's office sent requests to the heads of remand prisons in the Northern Caucasus for information as to whether Usman Mavluyev was detained in any of their detention facilities.
59. In May and June 2004 the military commanders of the Zavodskoy and Urus-Martan districts and the Chechnya FSB department replied that their offices had no information about Usman Mavluyev's involvement in an illegal armed group. They also had no information about his abduction by federal servicemen or about the deployment of the federal forces in Chernorechye on 8 January 2000.
60. On 25 May 2004 Ms R.G. and Ms L.G. were questioned. Their statements corroborated that of Ms A.A.
61. On 1 June 2004 Ms S. was questioned. Her statement corroborated those of other witnesses.
62. On 16 June 2004 the district prosecutor's office suspended the investigation on account of the failure to identify the perpetrators.
63. On 22 June 2004 the head of the ORB-2 replied that officers of the ORB-2 had not detained Usman Mavluyev.
64. On 10 August 2004 the assistant to the head of the United Group Alignment ("the UGA") replied that he had no information about Usman Mavluyev's detention and whereabouts and that documents concerning the UGA's activities in 2000 were stored in the archives of the Ministry of Defence.
65. In September 2004 the applicant went to the FSB headquarters in Moscow. She left a written application addressed to the head of the FSB in which she set out the circumstances of her husband's detention. She received no reply.
66. On 26 April 2006 the Achkhoy-Martan District Court declared Usman Mavluyev a missing person as from 9 January 2000. It noted that a criminal investigation into his abduction had been pending since April 2004.
67. On 20 November 2006 the district prosecutor's office resumed the proceedings and ordered certain investigative measures. The decision stated, in particular:
"In the course of the preliminary investigation it has been established that on 8 January 2000 [Mr] Usman Mavluyev, born in 1972, was apprehended at the checkpoint of the federal forces at the exit from the village of Chernorechye and taken to an unknown destination..."
68. On 30 November 2006 the district prosecutor's office requested the FSB department in the Southern Federal Circuit to conduct a search for Usman Mavluyev. Requests for information as to Usman Mavluyev's whereabouts were also sent to the district military commanders in Grozny and the FSB departments in Grozny and in the Chechen Republic.
69. On the same date the district prosecutor's office requested the penitentiary service departments in the Southern Federal Circuit to provide information as to whether Usman Mavluyev had ever been admitted to custodial facilities in these regions. The heads of remand prisons in the region were also requested to provide information as to whether Usman Mavluyev had been held in any such facilities at any time after January 2000. The requests specified that he had been detained at the checkpoint of the federal forces.
70. Also on 30 Novem

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