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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 17.06.2010 «Дело Батаев и другие (Batayev and others) против России» [англ.]

ber 2006 the district prosecutor's office requested the Zavodskoy ROVD to identify witnesses to Usman Mavluyev's abduction and to establish which units of the federal forces had been deployed at the checkpoint in Chernorechye on 8 January 2000. Requests were also sent to all district and town prosecutors' offices to check whether criminal proceedings had been instituted into the discovery of an unidentified body resembling Usman Mavluyev. At the same time the heads of the district departments of the interior in Chechnya were requested to check whether any unidentified bodies resembling Usman Mavluyev had been found within their departments' jurisdiction after 8 January 2000.
71. On the same date the district prosecutor's office requested the ORB-2 to take steps to establish the perpetrators of Usman Mavluyev's abduction. The Leninskiy ROVD in Grozny was requested to take measures to establish Usman Mavluyev's whereabouts and to check whether any unidentified bodies that resembled him had been discovered.
72. On 20 December 2006 the district prosecutor's office again suspended the investigation on account of the failure to identify the perpetrators.
73. In January and February 2007 the Gudermes and Kurchaloy district law-enforcement authorities replied to the district prosecutor's office that they had no information concerning Usman Mavluyev and that no criminal proceedings had been instituted in connection with the discovery of unidentified bodies resembling him.
74. On 15 January 2007 the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service department in Kalmykiya replied that registers of custodial facilities in the republic contained no information about Usman Mavluyev's detention after 8 January 2000.
75. On 24 July 2009 Special Investigation Unit No. 2 (Отдел по расследованию особо важных дел N 2) of the Chechnya Prosecutor's Office ("the SIU-2") was entrusted with the investigation in case No. 31036. On the same day the SIU-2 reopened the investigation.
76. On 28 July 2009 the SIU-2 amended the surname of the tenth applicant's husband for investigation purposes and indicated his correct surname to the Chechnya prosecutor's office (his name was spelled "Movluyev" in some of the documents).
77. On 24 November 2009 the SIU-2 suspended the investigation because the term of the preliminary investigation had expired and ordered the district prosecutor's office to pursue the search for the perpetrators.
(b) Leave to study the investigation file, request for legal aid and the grant of the status of a civil claimant
78. On 14 September 2006 the tenth applicant applied to the district prosecutor's office, seeking leave to study the investigation file and to make copies of it.
79. On 26 September 2006 she applied to the same prosecutor's office with a request for legal aid.
80. On 3 November 2006 the tenth applicant again applied to the district prosecutor's office, this time seeking leave to be granted the status of a civil claimant.
81. On 30 November 2006 the district prosecutor's office granted the tenth applicant the status of a civil claimant in case No. 31036 but refused her leave to study the case file until the completion of the investigation.
82. On 1 December 2006 the district prosecutor's office issued a formal decision to grant the tenth applicant the status of a civil claimant.
83. On 8 December 2006 the applicant requested a copy of the decision of 1 December 2006.
84. On 14 December 2006 the applicant asked the district prosecutor's office about the outcome of the examination of her request for legal aid.
85. On 28 December 2006 the district prosecutor's office informed her that the reply had been sent to her on 28 September 2006. It appeared that the request had been

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