ting Party while within the territory of the State of the first Contracting Party.
3. Neither Contracting Party may grant any preference to its own designated airlines with regard to the designated airlines of the State of the other Contracting Party in the application of the laws and regulations provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.
Article 6
Recognition of certificates and licenses
1. Certificates of airworthiness, certificates of competency and licenses issued or rendered valid by one Contracting Party and still in force, shall be recognized as valid by the other Contracting Party for the purposes of operating the agreed services.
2. However, each Contracting Party reserves the right to refuse to recognize for flights above the territory of its State, certificates of competency and licenses granted to its own nationals by the other Contracting Party or by any other State.
Article 7
User charges
Fees and other charges for the use of airport including its installations, technical and other facilities and services as well as any charges for the use of air navigation facilities, communication facilities and services shall be collected in accordance with the rates and tariffs established by each Contracting Party in the territory of its State, and in accordance with Convention.
Article 8
Direct transit
Passengers, baggage and cargo in direct transit across the territory of the State of one Contracting Party and not leaving the area of the airport reserved for such purpose shall, except in respect of security measures against acts of unlawful interference, as well as transportation of narcotics and psychotropic substances, be subject to no more than a simplified control. Baggage and cargo in direct transit shall be exempt from the imposition of customs duties, taxes and charges.
Article 9
Principles governing the operation of the agreed services
1. The designated airlines of the States of the Contracting Parties shall have fair and equal opportunity to operate the agreed services on the specified routes between the respective territories of their States.
2. While operating the agreed services the designated airlines of the State of one Contracting Party shall take into account the interests of the designated airlines of the State of the other Contracting Party so as not to affect the services which the latter provide on the whole routes or any part of the same routes.
3. The agreed services provided by the designated airlines of the States of the Contracting Parties shall be related to the requirements of the public for transportation on the specified routes, and each designated airline shall have as its primary objective the provision, at a reasonable load factor of capacity adequate to carry the current and reasonably anticipated requirements for the carriage of passengers, cargo and mail between the respective territories of their States.
4. Provisions for the carriage of passengers and cargo including mail both taken (loaded) on board and discharged (unloaded) at points on the specified routes in the territories of the State of the other Contracting Party other than that designating airlines shall be made in accordance with the general principles that capacity shall be related to:
a) traffic requirements to and from the territory of the State of the Contracting Party, which has designated the airlines;
b) traffic requirements of the area through which the agreed services pass;
c) through airlines operations.
5. The capacity to be provided on the specified routes shall be agreed between the designated airlines of the States of both Contracting Parties and approved by the aerona
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