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"Соглашение между Министерством связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации и Министерством коммуникаций и технологий Сирийской Арабской Республики о сотрудничестве в области информационных технологий и связи" [рус., англ.] (Заключено в г. Дамаске 11.05.2010)

o shaping and implementation of state policy in the field of information technologies;
- exchanging experience in the area of national programs of information technologies development implemented in the Russian Federation and the Syrian Arab Republic;
- exchanging experience in development of technologies for rendering information society services;
- exchanging information in the field of developing e-trade.

Article 3

The Parties shall develop cooperation in the field of communications as follows:
- exchanging information relating to national legislation of the Parties in the field of communications;
- exchanging information about technological policy, regulation and standardization in the field of communications;
- promoting cooperation between Russian and Syrian commercial organizations;
- exchanging information about introduction of new technologies;
- exchanging information on the use of the radio frequency spectrum.

Article 4

The Parties shall use the following cooperation mechanisms to implement the provisions of Articles 2 and 3 hereof:
- conducting joint research and development activities;
- organization of conferences, exhibitions, symposia and workshops;
- in case of necessity establishment of joint target working groups.

Article 5

The Parties shall specify the mechanism of cooperation, implemented according to Articles 2 and 3 of this Agreement in the form of working protocols or any other mutually agreed documents.

Article 6

The Parties shall hold joint consultations and coordinate their principal attitudes concerning participation in international organizations in the field of information and communication technologies.

Article 7

This Agreement shall not affect any rights and commitments of the Parties ensuing from bilateral or multilateral international agreements currently in force of which the Russian Federation or/and the Syrian Arab Republic are the parties.

Article 8

The issues of distribution of rights to any results of intellectual activity obtained in the course of or as a result of implementation of this Agreement shall be regulated on the grounds of the appropriate agreements of the Parties.
Each Party is entitled to the results of intellectual activity and to any technological development, product or service, developed individually and independently by this Party.

Article 9

Any disputes and/or disagreements between the Parties concerning interpretation and/or implementation of this Agreement shall be resolved through consultations and/or negotiations between the Parties without recourse to any third party.

Article 10

Neither Party shall disclose to any third party any confidential information, provided by the other Party in the course of implementing cooperation according to this Agreement except for the cases and in the amount permitted in writing by the other Party. This provision shall also continue to apply after the expiration of the term of this Agreement.

Article 11

Subject to consent by both Parties, the Agreement may be amended or supplemented. Any amendments and supplementations to this Agreement shall be executed as in separate protocols which shall enter into force as set forth in article 12 of this Agreement.

Article 12

This Agreement shall remain valid for a period of five (5) years, renewed automatically for similar periods unless one of the Parties notifies the other Party in a written form through diplomatic channels of its intention to terminate it at le

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