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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 01.04.2010 «Дело Гултяева (Gultyayeva) против России» [англ.]f all that in respect of the windows in the cells, their size was not specifically disputed by the parties and they do not appear in themselves to be too small (see paragraphs 79 and 80 above). However, and even assuming that, contrary to the applicant's assertion, none of the windows had ever been covered with plywood, as stated by the Government, the materials in the Court's possession, and namely the photographs of the cells submitted by the Government reveal that the windows were covered with metal grilles. Moreover, the Government conceded that the shutters which supplemented the grilles remained in place throughout the entire period of the applicant's detention, and were only removed in the period from January to March 2003, that is after the applicant's release (see paragraph 80 above). The Court has strong doubts that such arrangement enabled adequate penetration of natural light. In this respect the Court notes that the entries in the applicant's medical file reveal upon her arrival on 29 March 2000 at the IZ-62/1 she was found to be fit (see paragraph 102 above), whereas several weeks later, on 12 May 2000, she was diagnosed with slight myopia (see paragraph 109 above). The Court also attaches weight to the fact that in her complaint of 17 May 2000 the applicant stated that she was being detained in a poorly lit cell and that her sight was deteriorating (see paragraph 94 above). Overall, the Court is not convinced that the arrangements in the cells where the applicant was detained were sufficient to give the applicant adequate access to daylight.