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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 18.02.2010 «Дело Ирисханова и Ирисханов (Iriskhanova and Iriskhanov) против России» [англ.]

t prosecutor's office informed the first applicant that they had been taking operational search measures to establish the whereabouts of Zurab Iriskhanov and identify the perpetrators of the crime.
29. On 28 April 2003 the Chief Military Prosecutor's office forwarded the first applicant's complaint that her son had been abducted by Russian military servicemen to the military prosecutor's office of the United Group Alignment (the military prosecutor's office of the UGA).
30. On 10 July 2003 the military prosecutor's office of the UGA forwarded the first applicant's complaint to the military prosecutor's office of military unit No. 20102 for examination.
31. On 27 June 2003 the Achkhoy-Martan district military commander informed the first applicant that his office had no information concerning any unlawful actions of the Russian military servicemen on 19 June 2002.
32. On 11 May 2005 the district prosecutor's office informed the first applicant that on an unspecified date the investigation of criminal case No. 63045 had been resumed.

2. Information submitted by the Government

33. According to the documents submitted by the Government, the first applicant complained on 21 June 2002 to the district prosecutor's office that her sons had been abducted. In her letter she stated that her sons had been abducted by Russian servicemen who had arrived in APCs; that they had been detained for some time at the checkpoint located on the Sunzhenskiy mountain ridge; and that thirty-four other residents of the Achkhoy-Martan district had been detained there on 18 and 19 June 2002.
34. The Government submitted that the investigation of the criminal case opened in connection with the abduction of Zurab and Gilani Iriskhanov by "unidentified men" had commenced on 24 June 2002.
35. On 24 June 2002 the investigators conducted a crime scene examination at the applicants' house. Nothing was collected from the scene.
36. On 24 June 2002 the first applicant was granted victim status in the criminal case and questioned. She stated that at about 8 p.m. on 19 June 2002 three APCs with a group of about fifty military servicemen had arrived at her yard. The registration numbers on the vehicles had been covered with mud. The servicemen were armed; they swore a lot and fired gunshots in the air. They grabbed Gilani Iriskhanov, beat him with rifle butts and put him into one of the APCs. Her second son, Zurab, tried to run away from the soldiers through the back yard, but he was caught in the vegetable garden, beaten with rifle butts and placed in another APC. The abduction of her sons took about five minutes; due to the gunshots fired by the abductors, a number of neighbours gathered next to her house and witnessed the abduction. After that the APCs drove to the military commander's office in Samashki. The applicant and her neighbours went there to inquire about the reasons for the arrest of Zurab and Gilani Iriskhanov; they waited at the entrance to the office until 11 p.m. According to the applicant, that evening she managed to speak to the military commander, who promised her that her sons would be released on the following morning. The applicant also found out that her sons' abductors were not from the local military commander's office, that they were stationed there temporarily and were from an unidentified military unit. The applicant and her neighbours spent several days waiting for news about the abducted brothers; while they were waiting they saw a helicopter, which landed in the yard of the military commander's office and took off about ten minutes later; after that the abductors drove away from the military commander's office building in four APCs and six Ural lorries with tented backs. On the third day after the abduction some employees of the military commande

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