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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 28.05.2009 "Дело "Карягин, Матвеев и Королев (Karyagin, Matveyev and Korolev) против Российской Федерации" [рус., англ.]rous instances of minor changes, while regrettable, were not sufficient to render the applicants' right of appeal nugatory. According to the applicants, other discrepancies had intensified the accusations against them, making the perception of the judgment by the appeal court more unfavourable, and had rendered references to pages and lines in their appeals meaningless. However, a detailed examination of the discrepancies alleged to be significant indicates that most of the limited number of differences in question concern the order in which the defendants' names were listed, the use of different verbal forms (imperfective or perfective aspects, passive or active voice) or the use of plural rather than singular nouns (and vice versa). Certain words have been substituted (taken/undertaken, audio-cassettes/audio-recordings). The other examples are discussed below. The Court further notes that the applicants did not give specific examples of the connection between the discrepancies in the judgments and the points of their appeals. No tangible argument can be elicited from their submissions as to how these discrepancies had affected the appeal court's examination of the case to their detriment.