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«Статус Венской конвенции о праве международных договоров (Вена, 23 мая 1969 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 19.05.2009)


Germany <6>
Upon signature:
"The Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right, upon ratifying the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, to state its views on the declarations made by other States upon signing or ratifying or acceding to that Convention and to make reservations regarding certain provisions of the said Convention."
Upon ratification:
2. The Federal Republic of Germany assumes that the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice brought about by consent of States outside the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties cannot be excluded by invoking the provisions of article 66 (b) of the Convention.
3. The Federal Republic of Germany interprets "measures taken in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations", as referred to in article 75, to mean future decisions by the Security Council of the United Nations in conformity with Chapter VII of the Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security.

Guatemala <16>
Upon signature:
I. Guatemala cannot accept any provision of this Convention which would prejudice its rights and its claim to the Territory of Belize.
II. Guatemala will not apply articles [...], 25 and 66 in so far as they are contrary to the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic.
III. Guatemala will apply the provision contained in article 38 only in cases where it considers that it is in the national interest to do so.
Upon ratification:
(a) The Republic of Guatemala formally confirms reservations I and III which it formulated upon signing the [said Convention], to the effect, respectively, that Guatemala could not accept any provision of the Convention which would prejudice its rights and its claim to the territory of Belize and that it would apply the provision contained in article 38 of the Convention only in cases where it considered that it was in the national interest to do so;
(b) With respect to reservation II, which was formulated on the same occasion and which indicated that the Republic of Guatemala would not apply articles [...], 25 and 66 of the [said Convention] insofar as they were contrary to the Constitution, Guatemala states:
(b)(I) That it confirms the reservation with respect to the non-application of articles 25 and 66 of the Convention, insofar as both are incompatible with provisions of the Political Constitution currently in force;
(b)(II) [...]
Guatemala's consent to be bound by a treaty is subject to compliance with the requirements and procedures established in its Political Constitution. For Guatemala, the signature or initialling of a treaty by its representative is always understood to be ad referendum and subject, in either case, to confirmation by its Government.
(c) A reservation is hereby formulated with respect to article 27 of the Convention, to the effect that the article is understood to refer to the provisions of the secondary legislation of Guatemala and not to those of its Political Constitution, which take precedence over any law or treaty.

Hungary <17>

The participation of Kuwait in this Convention does not mean in any way recognition of Israel by the Government of the State of Kuwait and that furthermore, no treaty relations will arise between the State of Kuwait and Israel.

Mongolia <18>
1. The Mongolian People's Republic declares that it reserves the right to take any measures to safeguard its interests in the case of the non-observance by other States of the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
2. The Mongolian People's Republic deems it appropriate to draw attention to the discriminatory na

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