«Статус Конвенции о статусе беженцев (Женева, 28 июля 1951 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 19.05.2009)
ny obstacle which might affect the discretionary authority of Egypt in granting privileges to refugees on a case-by-case basis.
"[Subject to the following] reservations...:
1) to Articles 23 and 24 as follows:
The Republic of Estonia considers articles 23 and 24 merely as recommendatory, not as legally binding.
2) to Article 25 as follows:
The Republic of Estonia shall not be bound to cause a certificate to be delivered by an Estonian authority, in place of the authorities of a foreign country, if documentary records necessary for the delivery of such a certificate do not exist in the Republic of Estonia.
3) to Article 28, paragraph 1 as follows:
The Republic of Estonia shall not be obliged within five years from the entry into force of the present Convention to issue travel documents provided in article 28."
"[S]ubject to the following reservations made under the terms of Article 42, paragraph 1, of the Convention and Article VII, paragraph 1, of the Protocol:
The provisions of articles 8, 9, 17 (2) and 22 (1) of the Convention are recognized only as recommendations and not as legally binding obligations."
The Government of Fiji stated that "...[t]he first and fourth reservations made by the United Kingdom are affirmed but have been redrafted as more suitable to the application of Fiji in the following terms:
1. The Government of Fiji understands articles 8 and 9 as not preventing them from taking in time of war or other grave and exceptional circumstances measures in the interests of national security in the case of a refugee on the ground of his nationality. The provisions of article 8 shall not prevent the Government of Fiji from exercising any rights over property and interests which they may acquire or have acquired as an Allied or Associated Power under a Treaty of Peace or other agreement or arrangement for the restoration of peace which has been or may be completed as a result of the Second World War. Furthermore the provisions of article 8 shall not affect the treatment to be accorded to any property or interests which at the date of entry into force of this Convention on behalf of Fiji were under the control of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or of the Government of Fiji respectively by reason of a state of war which existed between them and any other State.
2. The Government of Fiji cannot undertake to give effect to the obligations contained in paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 25 and can only undertake to apply the provisions of paragraph 3 so far as the law allows.
No arrangements exist in Fiji for the administrative assistance for which provision is made in article 25 nor have any such arrangements been found necessary in the case of refugees. Any need for the documents or certifications mentioned in paragraph 2 of that article would be met by affidavits...
All other reservations made by the United Kingdom to the above-mentioned [Convention are] withdrawn."
Finland <20>
"[S]ubject to the following reservations:
(1) A general reservation to the effect that the application of those provisions of the Convention which grant to refugees the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country shall not be affected by the fact that special rights and privileges are now or may in future be accorded by Finland to the nationals of Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden or to the nationals of any one of those Countries;
(5) A reservation to article 24, paragraph 1 (b) and paragraph 3 to the effect that they shall not be binding on Finland;
In depositing its instrument of ratification, the Government of the Fr
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