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«Статус Конвенции о статусе беженцев (Женева, 28 июля 1951 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 19.05.2009)

lt with in articles 23 and 24 as is accorded visitors generally."

(1) With the reservation that, with reference to the provisions of article 34, the Government of Chile will be unable to grant to refugees facilities greater that those granted to aliens in general, in view of the liberal nature of Chilean naturalization laws;
(2) With the reservation that the period specified in article 17, paragraph 2 (a) shall, in the case of Chile, be extended from three to ten years;
(3) With the reservation that article 17, paragraph 2 (c) shall apply only if the refugee is the widow or the widower of a Chilean spouse;
(4) With the reservation that the Government of Chile cannot grant a longer period for compliance with an expulsion order than that granted to other aliens in general under Chilean law.

"[Subject to] reservations on the following articles:
(1). The latter half of article 14, which reads
"In the territory of any other Contracting State, he shall be accorded the same protection as is accorded in that territory to nationals of the country in which he has his habitual residence."
(2). Article 16 (3)."

Cyprus <18>
With confirmation of the reservations made by the Government of the United Kingdom upon application of the Convention to the territory of Cyprus.

Denmark <19>
25 March 1968
"[Subject to] the following reservation:
The obligation in article 17, paragraph 1, to accord to refugees lawfully staying in Denmark the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country as regards the right to engage in wage-earning employment shall not be construed to mean that refugees shall be entitled to the privileges which in this respect are accorded to nationals of Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden."

[Subject to] the following declarations and reservation:
With respect to article 1, relating to the definition of the term "refugee", the Government of Ecuador declares that its accession to the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees does not imply its acceptance of the Conventions which have not been expressly signed and ratified by Ecuador.
With respect to article 15, Ecuador further declares that its acceptance of the provisions contained therein shall be limited in so far as those provisions are in conflict with the constitutional and statutory provisions in force prohibiting aliens, and consequently refugees, from being members of political bodies.

With reservations in respect of article 12 (1), articles 20 and 22 (1), and articles 23 and 24.
Clarifications (received on 24 September 1981):
1. Egypt formulated a reservation to article 12 (1) because it is in contradiction with the internal laws of Egypt. This article provides that the personal status of a refugee shall be governed by the law of the country of his domicile or, failing this, of his residence. This formula contradicts article 25 of the Egyptian civil code, which reads as follows:
"The judge declares the applicable law in the case of persons without nationality or with more than one nationality at the same time. In the case of persons where there is proof, in accordance with Egypt, of Egyptian nationality, and at the same time in accordance with one or more foreign countries, of nationality of that country, the Egyptian law must be applied."
The competent Egyptian authorities are not in a position to amend this article (25) of the civil code.
2. Concerning articles 20, 22 (paragraph 1), 23 and 24 of the Convention of 1951, the competent Egyptian authorities had reservations because these articles consider the refugee as equal to the national.
We made this general reservation to avoid a

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