asures as it deems necessary to safeguard national interests and to ensure respect for its sovereignty, whenever circumstances so require.
In addition, the Government of the People's Republic of Angola wishes to make the following reservations:
Ad article 17: The Government of the People's Republic of Angola accepts the obligations set forth in article 17, provided that:
(a) Paragraph 1 of this article shall not be interpreted to mean that refugees must enjoy the same privileges as may be accorded to nationals of countries with which the People's Republic of Angola has signed special co-operation agreements;
(b) Paragraph 2 of this article shall be construed as a recommendation and not as an obligation.
Ad article 26:
The Government of the People's Republic of Angola reserves the right to prescribe, transfer or circumscribe the place of residence of certain refugees or groups of refugees, and to restrict their freedom of movement, whenever considerations of national or international order make it advisable to do so.
Australia <15>
Austria <16>
The Convention is ratified:
(a) Subject to the reservation that the Republic of Austria regards the provisions of article 17, paragraphs 1 and 2 (excepting, however, the phrase "who was already exempt from them at the date of entry into force of this Convention for the Contracting State concerned, or..." in the latter paragraph) not as a binding obligation, but merely as a recommendation.
(b) Subject to the reservation that the provisions of article 22, paragraph 1, shall not be applicable to the establishment and maintenance of private elementary schools, that the "public relief and assistance" referred to in article 23 shall be interpreted solely in the sense of allocations from public welfare funds (Armenversorgung), and that the "documents or certifications" referred to in article 25, paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be construed to mean the identity certificates provided for in the Convention of 30 June 1928 relating to refugees.
"Refugees and their dependants would normally be subjected to the same laws and regulations relating generally to the employment of non-Bahamians within the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, so long as they have not acquired status in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas."
1. In all cases where the Convention grants to refugees the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country, this provision shall not be interpreted by the Belgian Government as necessarily involving the regime accorded to nationals of countries with which Belgium has concluded regional customs, economic or political agreements.
2. Article 15 of the Convention shall not be applicable in Belgium; refugees lawfully staying in Belgian territory will enjoy the same treatment, as regards the right of association, as that accorded to aliens in general.
"Subject to the reservation of articles 7, 17, 26, 31, 32 and 34 and paragraph 1 of article 12 of the Convention."
Brazil <17>
7 April 1972
"Refugees will be granted the same treatment accorded to nationals of foreign countries in general, with the exception of the preferential treatment extended to nationals of Portugal through the Friendship and Consultation Treaty of 1953 and Article 199 of the Brazilian Constitutional Amendment No. 1, of 1969."
"Subject to the following reservation with reference to Articles 23 and 24 of the Convention:
"Canada interprets the phrase "lawfully staying" as referring only to refugees admitted for permanent residence: refugees admitted for temporary residence will be accorded the same treatment with respect to the matters dea
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