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«Статус Конвенции о согласии на вступление в брак, брачном возрасте и регистрации браков (Нью-Йорк, 10 декабря 1962 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 19.05.2009)

ublic to grant, under the terms thereof, permit of marriage when one of the intending spouses is not present.

"Article 1, paragraph 2, shall not apply to the Republic of Iceland."

In signing the Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages, [the Government of the Netherlands] hereby declare that, in view of the equality which exists, from the standpoint of public law, between the Netherlands, Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles, the Government of the Kingdom reserves the right to ratify the Convention in respect of only one or two parts of the Kingdom and to declare at a later date, by written notification to the Secretary-General, that the Convention is to apply also to the other part or parts of the Kingdom.

"With the reservation that article 1, paragraph 2, shall not apply to the Kingdom of Norway."

"The Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages was adopted for the purpose, among other things, of insuring to all persons complete freedom in the choice of a spouse. The first paragraph of Article 1 of the Convention requires that the full and free consent of both parties shall be expressed in the presence of the competent authority and of witnesses.
"Considering the provisions of its Civil Code, the Philippines, in ratifying this Convention interprets the second paragraph of Article 1 (which authorizes, in exceptional cases, the solemnization of marriage by proxy) as not imposing upon the Philippines the obligation to allow within its territory the celebration of proxy marriages or marriages of the kind contemplated in that paragraph, where such manner of marriage is not authorized by the laws of the Philippines. Rather, the solemnization within Philippine territory of a marriage in the absence of one of the parties under the conditions stated in said paragraph will be permitted only if so allowed by Philippine law."

Romania will not apply the provisions of article 1, paragraph 2, of the Convention, regarding the celebration of marriage in the absence of one of the future spouses.

With reservation to article 1, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland <11>
"(b) It is the understanding of the Government of the United Kingdom that paragraph (1) of article 1 and the second sentence of article 2, of the Convention are concerned with entry into marriage under the laws of a State Party and not with the recognition under the laws of one State or territory of the validity of marriages contracted under the laws of another State or territory; nor is paragraph (1) of article 1 applicable to marriages by cohabitation with habit and repute under the law of Scotland;
"(c) Paragraph (2) of article 1 does not require legislative provision to be made, where no such legislation already exists, for marriages to be contracted in the absence of one of the parties;
"(d) The provisions of the Convention shall not apply to Southern Rhodesia unless and until the Government of the United Kingdom inform the Secretary-General that they are in a position to ensure that the obligations imposed by the Convention in respect of that territory can be fully implemented."

United States of America
"With the understanding that legislation in force in the various States of the United States of America is in conformity with this Convention and that action by the United States of America with respect to this Convention does not constitute acceptance of the provisions of article 8 as a precedent for any subsequent instruments."

Venezuela (Bolivar

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