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"Исполнительный протокол к Соглашению между Правительством Российской Федерации и Федеральным Советом Швейцарской Конфедерации о реадмиссии" [рус., англ.] (Вместе с «Ходатайствами о реадмиссии и транзите») (Подписан в г. Берне 21.09.2009)

ible reference to special medical care; Latin
name of contagious disease): ______________________________________________
2. Indication of particularly dangerous person (e.g. suspected of serious
offence; aggressive behaviour: ____________________________________________

C. Transit operation
1. State of final destination: ____________________________________________
2. Possible other States of transit: ______________________________________
3. Proposed border crossing point, date, time of transfer and possible
escorts: __________________________________________________________________
4. Admission assured in any other transit State and in the State of final
destination (paragraph 2 of Article 15 of the Agreement between the
Government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Council of the Swiss
Confederation on readmission dated 21 of September, 2009)
--¬ --¬
L-- yes L-- no
5. Knowledge of any reason for a refusal of transit (paragraph 3 of
Article 15 of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian
Federation and the Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation on
readmission dated 21 of September, 2009)
--¬ --¬
L-- yes L-- no

D. Observations

> 1 2 3 ... 8 9 10


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