«Статус Европейской конвенции о международной действительности судебных решений по уголовным делам (ETS N 70) (Гаага, 28 мая 1970 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 24.01.2011)
enforcement of sanctions rendered in absentia and ordonnances penales;
e. to refuse the application of the provisions of Article 8 where Georgia has an original competence and to recognise in these cases only the equivalence of acts interrupting or suspending time limitation which have been accomplished in the requesting State.
Period covered: 26/6/2002 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 61
Declaration contained in a Note Verbale handed to the Secretary General at the time of deposit of the instrument of ratification, on 6 August 1993 - Or. Engl.
Iceland requires that requests and supporting documents be accompanied by a translation into Icelandic or English.
Period covered: 7/11/1993 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 19
Declaration contained in a Note Verbale handed to the Secretary General at the time of deposit of the instrument of ratification, on 6 August 1993 - Or. Engl.
"Ordonnances Penales" according to Icelandic legislation are: "Logreglustjorasektir" (Article 115 of the Act on Law of Criminal Procedure).
Period covered: 7/11/1993 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 62
Declaration contained in a Note Verbale handed to the Secretary General at the time of deposit of the instrument of ratification, on 6 August 1993 - Or. Engl.
The Convention shall not apply to relations between Iceland and the other Nordic countries party to the Convention except where the enforcement of a criminal judgement is not governed by Nordic legislation concerning enforcement.
Period covered: 7/11/1993 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 64
Information contained in a Note Verbale handed to the Secretary General at the time of deposit of the instrument of ratification, on 6 August 1993 - Or. Engl.
List of sanctions applied and enforced in Iceland:
1. Fines
Fines are imposed directly by court in fixed amounts.
2. Confiscation
Any object made through an offence or used to commit an offence may be confiscated by the court unless it belongs to a person who had nothing to do with the offence. The same applies with regard to an object which seems likely to be used for a criminal purpose if it is considered necessary because of judicial safety. An object or gain obtained through an offence or the value of such a gain which nobody has a legal claim to may also be confiscated.
3. Disqualification
A criminal conviction does not involve disqualification unless this is expressly stated in the judgement. Disqualification may consist of the loss of a right to hold a public position if the person concerned is no longer considered worthy or competent for the position. Disqualification may also consist of the loss of a right to perform certain activities when the right depends on a public authorisation or licence, constitution or examination, provided that the offence points to a significant risk of abuse of the position. If the offence is of a grave nature a disqualification may be ordered if the person concerned is not considered to be worthy of performing these activities or enjoying these rights.
A person who, owing to alcohol use, has not been capable of driving a motor vehicle in a safe manner shall normally be deprived of the right to drive a motor vehicle. This applies also where the vehicle has been driven in a grossly irresponsible manner or where, according to the nature of the offence or to the offender's conduct as a driver of motor vehicles, it is considered inadvisable, having regard to road safety, for him to drive a motor vehicle, the licence is withdrawn for a specified term of not less than one month, or for life.
4. Sentences involving deprivation of liberty.
a. Imprisonment may be ordered for life or for a
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