cle(s): 6
Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 1 April 1980 - Or. Engl/Germ.
Without prejudice to Article 19, paragraph 3, requests for enforcement and supporting documents which are not drawn up in German, French or English, must be accompanied by a translation into one of these languages.
Period covered: 1/7/1980 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 19
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 1 April 1980 - Or. Engl/Germ.
Austria will refuse enforcement if it considers that the sentence relates to a fiscal offence, Austria regards all those offences as fiscal offences which are violations of regulations concerning imposts, taxes, duties, monopolies and foreign exchange, or of regulations concerning the export, import, transit and rationing of goods (Appendix I, paragraph a).
Austria will refuse enforcement of a sanction for an act which according to Austrian law could have been dealt with only by an administrative authority (Appendix I, paragraph b).
Austria will refuse enforcement of a European criminal judgment which the authorities of the requesting state rendered on a date when, under Austrian law, the criminal proceedings in respect of the offence punished by the judgment would have been precluded by the lapse of time (Appendix I, paragraph c).
Austria will refuse enforcement of sanctions rendered in absentia and of ordonnances penales (Appendix I, paragraph d).
Austria will refuse the application of the provisions of Article 8 where Austria has an original competence, and will recognise in these cases only the equivalence of acts interrupting or suspending time limitation which have been accomplished in the requesting State (Appendix I, paragraph e).
Period covered: 1/7/1980 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 61
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 30 June 2010 - Or. Fr.
Belgium reserves the right to refuse the enforcement of sanctions rendered in absentia and ordonnances penales (Appendix I, d).
Period covered: 1/10/2010 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): -
Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 30 June 2010 - Or. Fr.
Conformement a l'article 19, paragraphe 2, de la Convention, la Belgique se reserve le droit d'exiger que les demandes et pieces annexes soient accompagnees d'une traduction en francais, neerlandais, allemand ou anglais.
Period covered: 1/10/2010 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 19
Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 30 March 2004 - Or. Engl.
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that the requests and accompanying documents shall be translated into Bulgarian language.
Period covered: 1/7/2004 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 19
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 30 March 2004 - Or. Engl.
In accordance with Article 61, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria reserves the right:
a) to refuse enforcement if it considers that the sentence relates to a religious offence (Appendix I, sub-paragraph a);
b) to refuse enforcement of a sanction for an act which according to the Bulgarian law could have been dealt with only by an administrative authority (Appendix I, sub-paragraph b);
c) to refuse enforcement of a European criminal judgment which the authorities of the requesting State rendered on a date when, under its own law, the criminal proceedings in respect of the offence punished by the judgment would have been precluded by th
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