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<Статус Конвенции Организации Объединенных Наций против коррупции (Нью-Йорк, 31 октября 2003 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

lam hereby notifies that requests for mutual legal assistance under the Convention should be made in, or accompanied by a translation into the English language."

Declaration under article 46, paragraph 13
"In accordance with Article 46, paragraph 13, of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that the requests for mutual legal assistance must be addressed to the Minister of Justice."
Declaration under article 46, paragraph 14
"In accordance with Article 46, paragraph 14, of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that the requests for mutual legal assistance must be accompanied by a translation into Bulgarian or English language."

25 November 2008
In accordance with article 46(13) of the Convention..., has the honour to inform you that the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Cameroon is the central authority which has the responsibility and power to receive requests for mutual legal assistance and either to execute them or to transmit them to the competent authorities for execution.

"1. Article 6 (3): Each State Party shall inform the UN Secretary-General of the name and address of the authorities that may assist other States Parties in developing and implementing specific measures for the prevention of corruption. For the purposes of Article 6 (3), the Government of Canada designates the Senior Coordinator for International Crime and Terrorism at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada.
Address: 125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON KIA 002
Phone: (613) 944-2906.
2. Article 44 (6): For the purposes of Article 44 (6), Canada recognizes the Convention as an extradition agreement sufficient to establish the legal basis for extradition under domestic Canadian law.
3. Article 46 (13): For the purposes of Article 46 (13), Canada designates the International Assistance Group of the Department of Justice of Canada as the central authority for all requests for mutual legal assistance under the Convention.
Address: 284 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON. KIA 0H8
Phone: (613) 957-4832
4. Article 46 (14): For the purposes of Article 46 (14), Canada accepts English or French as the languages to be used in all requests for mutual legal assistance that Canada receives under the Convention."

The Government of the Republic of Chile, in accordance with the provisions of article 44, paragraph 6 (a), of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, hereby states that it takes the said Convention as the legal basis for cooperation on extradition with other States parties to the Convention.
In addition, in accordance with the provisions of article 46, paragraph 13, it designates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with main address at 180 Calle Teatinos, Santiago, Chile, as the central authority for the purpose of receiving requests for mutual legal assistance. It further states that the language acceptable for such requests shall be Spanish.

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the Convention, the authority for the People's Republic of China to assist other States Parties in developing and implementing specific measures for the prevention and corruption is the National Bureau of Corruption Prevention of the People's Republic of China (Address: General Office of the National Bureau of Corruption Prevention of the People's Republic of China, Jia 2 Guanganmen Nanjie, Xuanwu District, Beijing, China, 100053), while the address of the Independent Commission against Corruption of Hong Kong (SAR), the authority for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China to assist other States Parties in developing and imple

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