ecessary for use in nuclear power and research reactors including nuclear safety and radiation protection regulation activities;
7. Development of advanced and innovative nuclear reactor and nuclear fuel cycle technologies;
8. Nuclear safety, radiation and environmental protection, emergency response planning and radioactive waste management;
9. Accounting for and control of nuclear and radioactive materials and physical protection of nuclear and radioactive materials and facilities, and radiation sources;
10. Transportation, production and supply of materials, including nuclear material;
11. Production and application of radio-isotopes;
12. Other areas of cooperation that may be additionally agreed upon by the Parties in writing.
Article 3
Cooperation stipulated in Article 2 of the Agreement is implemented in the following way.
1. Implementation of mutually agreed projects;
2. Establishment of joint working groups for the implementation of specific developments and projects in the area of scientific research and technology development;
3. Exchange of scientific and technical information;
4. Exchange of experts;
5. Organization of scientific workshops, conferences and symposia;
6. Consultations on research and technological problems;
7. Training of scientific and technical personnel;
8. Other forms of cooperation that may be agreed upon by the Parties in writing.
Article 4
For the purpose of implementing the Agreement the Parties shall designate the Competent Authorities:
in the Russian Federation - the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation,
in the Republic of Turkey - the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority.
The Parties shall promptly notify each other through diplomatic channels in case they designate another Competent Authority or change its name.
Article 5
Cooperation in areas pursuant to Article 2 of the Agreement shall be carried out by the Russian organizations, authorized by the Russian Competent Authority and Turkish organizations authorized by the relevant Turkish Authorities through implementing arrangements defining their rights and obligations as well as financial and other terms of cooperation in compliance with the respective legislations of the States of the Parties.
Article 6
1. To control and coordinate activities under the Agreement, to review issues arising during its implementation, to hold consultations on matters of mutual interest in the field of cooperation in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, the Parties shall establish a Joint Coordination Committee consisting of the representatives designated by the Competent Authorities of the Parties.
The meetings of the Joint Coordinating Committee shall be held as necessary alternately in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey.
2. When necessary, the Competent Authorities of the Parties shall establish working groups under the Joint Coordinating Committee.
Article 7
1. Under the Agreement information that constitutes the state secret of the Republic of Turkey or the state secret of the Russian Federation shall not be exchanged.
2. Information transferred under the Agreement or created in the course of its implementation and considered by the transferring Parry to have limited access must be clearly defined and marked in Russian as "Конфиденциально" in English "Sensitive" in Turkish "OZEL".
3. The procedures of the information exchange and the level of protection for information transferred under this Agreement or created in the course of its implemen
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