, of the said Convention, to the first two reservations made by the Government of Tunisia in its instrument of accession.
Slovakia <4>
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
13 March 1975
"With reference to article 17 (1) of the Convention... the Government of the United Kingdom [objects] to reservations (b) and (c) made by Argentina in respect of articles 12 and 16 upon accession to the Convention."
Notifications made under article 3 (Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations and reservations were made upon ratification, accession or succession.)
27 October 2003
Proceedings relating to maintenance for minors
"Maintenance" is understood to mean everything essential for the support, housing, clothing, medical treatment, recreation, comprehensive training and education or instruction of the minor. Maintenance shall include the obligation to pay the mother's pregnancy and childbirth expenses. Article 133, Decree No. 2737 of 1989, Minors' Code.
Every minor is entitled to the protection, care and assistance necessary to achieve adequate physical, mental, moral and social development, and such rights are recognized from the time of conception. Article 3 of Decree No. 2737, Minors' Code.
In the event of non-compliance with the maintenance obligation towards a minor, a request for conciliation may be submitted to the Family Ombudsman, the competent judges, the Family Commissioner or the Corrections Inspector of the minor's place of residence by either parent, by the child's relatives, by the guardian or person caring for the child or motu proprio. Article 136, Decree No. 2737 of 1989, Minors' Code.
The right to claim maintenance may not be waived and is non-transferable in the event of death. The right to claim maintenance may not be sold or assigned in any way.
The person owing maintenance (respondent) may not ask the claimant to offset that debt with sums owed to him by the claimant.
Even if the parents have been deprived of parental authority, their maintenance obligation does not cease. This obligation ceases when the minor is adopted.
As long as the respondent does not fulfil or agree to fulfil the maintenance obligation towards the minor, he may not claim custody and personal care or exercise other rights over the minor.
When necessary, the judge will decide who is to have custody and care of the minor(s) on whose behalf the proceedings were instituted, without prejudice to the relevant judicial actions. Article 150, Decree No. 2737, Minors' Code.
An expectant mother may claim maintenance in respect of the offspring of the legitimate father (husband) or of the man who has recognized paternity in the case of a child to be born out of wedlock. Article 135, Decree No. 2737 of 1989, Minors' Code.
Act No. 23 of 1991, Act No. 446 of 1998 and Act No. 640 of 2001
Article 35 of Act No. 640 of 2001. "Admissibility requirement. In cases suitable for conciliation, extrajudicial conciliation as of right is an admissibility requirement for application to the civil, administrative law, labour and family courts, as specified in this Act for each of these areas."
Accordingly, in requests for imposition of maintenance payments for a minor, the child's mother or father or the child's relatives or officials dealing with the case may initiate conciliation with the person obligated to pay such maintenance.
In this case, the (non-compliant) person obligated to pay maintenance will be summoned to the office of the Family Commissioner, the Family Ombudsman or the competent judge to try to reach agreement on the amount of the maintenance payments, the means of making them, their timing and guarantees of obse
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