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«Статус Венской конвенции о праве международных договоров (Вена, 23 мая 1969 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 19.05.2009)

relations between the United States of America and the Syrian Arab Republic with regard to certain provisions in Part V will not in any way impair the duty of the latter to fulfil any obligation embodied in those provisions to which it is subject under international law independently of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties."
29 September 1972
"...The United States of America objects to the reservation by Tunisia to paragraph (a) of Article 66 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties regarding a dispute as to the interpretation or application of Article 53 or 64. The right of a party to invoke the provisions of Article 53 or 64 is inextricably linked with the provisions of Article 42 regarding impeachment of the validity of a treaty and paragraph (a) of Article 66 regarding the right of any party to submit to the International Court of Justice for decision any dispute concerning the application or the interpretation of Article 53 or 64.
"Accordingly, the United States Government intends, at such time as it becomes a party to the Convention, to reaffirm its objection to the Tunisian reservation and declare that it will not consider that Article 53 or 64 of the Convention is in force between the United States of America and Tunisia."

Notifications made under the Annex (paragraphes 1 and 2) (List of conciliators nominated for the purpose of constituting a conciliation commission) (For the list of conciliators whose nomination was not renewed, see note 21 hereinafter). <21>

Participant Nominations: Date of deposit of notification
with the Secretary-General:
Austria <22> Ambassador Helmut Turk 8 Jan 2001
Austria <22> Professor Karl Zemanek 8 Jan 2001
Croatia Dr. Stanko Nick 14 Dec 1992
Croatia Professor Dr. Budislav 14 Dec 1992
Denmark <22> Prof. Isi Foighel 7 Mar 1995
Denmark <22> Ambassador Skjold 7 Mar 1995
Gustav Mellbin
Germany Prof. Dr. Wolff Heintschel 12 Mar 2001
von Heinegg
Germany Dr. Andreas Zimmermann 12 March 2001
Paraguay Dr. Luis Maria Ramirez 22 Sep 1994
Paraguay Dr. Jeronimo Irala Burgos 22 Sept 1994
Slovakia Dr. Igor Grexa, Director - 9 Jul 2004
General for Legal and
Consular Affairs, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of
Spain Sr. D. Jose Antonio Pastor 3 Jan 2001
Spain Sr. D. Aurelio Perez 3 Jan 2001
Sweden <22> Mr. Hans Danelius 17 Feb 1994
Sweden <22> Mr. Love Gustav-Adolf 17 Feb 1994
Switzerland Mr. Lucius Caflisch, 6 March 2008
Judge at the European
Court of Human Rights
Switzerland Mr. Walter Kalin, 6 March 2008
Professor of Public Law
and International Law at
the University of Berne
The former Mrs. Elena Andreevska, 3 Mar 1999
Yugoslav Director of the
Republic of Directorate on
Macedonia International Law

End Note
1. Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-first Session, Supplement No. 16 (A/6316), p. 95.
2. bid.

> 1 2 3 ... 21 22 23 ... 26 27 28


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