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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 08.01.2009 "Дело "Алексеенко (Alekseyenko) против Российской Федерации" [рус., англ.]

hed by the court;
(iii) grave violation of procedural law;
(iv) misapplication of [substantive] law;
(v) inadequacy of the sentence in relation to the gravity of the offence and the convicted person's personality."
43. Article 371 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1960 provided that the power to lodge a request for a supervisory review could be exercised by the Prosecutor General, the President of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and their respective Deputies in relation to any judgment other than those of the Presidium of the Supreme Court, and by the Presidents of the regional courts in respect of any judgment of a regional or subordinate court. A party to criminal or civil proceedings could solicit the intervention of such officials for a review.
44. Articles 374, 378 and 380 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1960 provided that a request for supervisory review was to be considered by the judicial board (the Presidium) of the competent court. The court could examine the case on the merits, and was not bound by the scope and grounds of the extraordinary appeal. The Presidium could dismiss or uphold the request. If the request was dismissed, the earlier judgment remained in force. If it upheld the request, the Presidium could decide whether to quash the judgment and terminate the criminal proceedings, or remit the case for a new investigation or fresh court examination at any instance, or uphold a first-instance judgment reversed on appeal, or amend and uphold any of the earlier judgments.
45. Article 380 §§ 2 and 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1960 provided that the Presidium could in the same proceedings reduce a sentence or amend the legal classification of a conviction or sentence to the defendant's advantage. If it found a sentence or legal classification too lenient, it had to remit the case for a new examination.
46. In accordance with Article 377 § 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1960, a public prosecutor took part in hearings before a supervisory review instance. A convicted person and his or her counsel could be summoned if a supervisory review court found it necessary. If summoned, they were to be given an opportunity to examine the application for supervisory review and to make oral submissions at the hearing.

B. The ruling of the Constitutional
Court of 14 February 2000

47. On 14 February 2000 the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ruled that Article 377 § 3 of the Code was unconstitutional in so far as it allowed supervisory review proceedings to be conducted in the absence of the defence where a special appeal against the previous decisions would, if successful, result in the worsening of the convicted person's situation.

C. Supervisory review proceedings under
the Code of Criminal Procedure of 2001

48. Under Article 407 of the new Code of Criminal Procedure of 2001, which entered into force on 1 July 2002, a convicted person and his counsel are notified of the date, time and place of hearings before the supervisory review court. They may participate in the hearing provided that they have made a specific request to that effect.

D. Control of correspondence in prison

49. Article 91(2) of the Code of Execution of Sentences of 8 January 1997 (Уголовно-исполнительный кодекс) provided for censorship of prisoners' correspondence.
50. Law No. 26-FZ of 20 March 2001 amended this Article to provide for an exception from the rule in respect of correspondence with a court, a prosecutor's office, higher officials of the penitentiary system and the Ombudsman of the Russian Federation. A prisoner's correspondence with his lawyer or representative could be censored in certain cases upon a reasoned decision of the director or deputy

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