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"Исполнительный протокол к Соглашению между Правительством Российской Федерации и Федеральным Советом Швейцарской Конфедерации о реадмиссии" [рус., англ.] (Вместе с «Ходатайствами о реадмиссии и транзите») (Подписан в г. Берне 21.09.2009)

ded in paragraph 1 of this Article.
3. The date, time and place of readmission or transit shall be established on a case-by-case basis by mutual consent between the competent authorities.

Article 7

Transit Application

1. The transit application shall be sent by the central competent authority of the requesting State directly to the central competent authority of the requested State by mail.
2. The reply to the transit application shall be provided to the central competent authority of the requesting State directly by the central competent authority of the requested State within the shortest terms possible by mail.
3. For the transit application a form is to be used which corresponds to Annex 2 of this Implementing Protocol.

Article 8

Escorting of a Person to be Readmitted or Transferred

1. If a person in the process of readmission or transit is to be accompanied by escorts, the requesting Party shall give the following information: First names, family names, ranks, positions and subordination of escorting persons, type, number and date of issue of passports and service identification cards, contents of their mission order.
This information shall be specified in paragraph "D" of a readmission application and/or transit application.
2. Escorts shall be obliged to comply with the legislation of the requested State.
3. Escorts shall not bear weapons and other objects restricted on the territory of the requested State.
4. Escorts shall be in plain clothes, carry valid passports and service identification cards, as well as mission orders issued by the competent authority of the requesting State.
5. The number of escorts shall be agreed upon in advance by the competent authorities on a case-by-case basis.
6. The competent authorities shall cooperate with one another on all issues related to the stay of escorts in the territory of the requested State. If necessary, the competent authorities of the requested State shall provide the escorts with possible assistance.

Article 9

Transmission of Data

The Parties shall take the required measures to secure the personal data subject to transmission.

Article 10


Costs incurred by the requested State in connection with readmission and transit which are to be borne by the requesting State in accordance with Article 17 of the Agreement shall be reimbursed by this State in Euro within 30 days upon submission of the evidence of costs.

Article 11


1. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Implementing Protocol, the documents listed in Article 4 of this Implementing Protocol, and Sections III and IV of the Agreement shall be drawn up:
for the Russian Federation - in the Russian language with translation into the English language appended;
for the Swiss Confederation - in the English language with translation into the Russian language appended.
2. Unless the Parties decide otherwise, the competent authorities of the Parties shall, when implementing this Implementing Protocol, communicate in English.

Article 12

Amendment and Addition

This Implementing Protocol may be subject to amendment and addition by mutual consent between the Parties.

Article 13


Annexes 1 and 2 shall be an integral part of this Implementing Protocol.

Article 14

Entry into Force and Termination

1. This Implementing Protocol shall enter into force on the same day as the Agreement.

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